Credits and Fun Facts

545 18 12

Written by KySketch
ONE is an object show made by Cheesy hfj, the characters belong to him.
This story is based on Ecto-Hazard's Dehumanization AU on tumblr!

⭐️Fun Facts!

- The idea for this story was created around 8-29-22, but no action was taken towards writing it until around 10-22-22.

- The first letters of the chapter titles spell out "humanization" because I couldn't fit the "De" (as a reference to the Dehumanization AU)

- I purposefully kept Liam's roommate (Bryce) anonymous because of how I wrote the beginning. I originally wasn't going to, but then realized it wouldn't make the ending as nice, so I changed it. (For the people asking why Bryce didn't immediately say anything about Liam becoming a Backpack when they were in the same show together, he got his mind wiped in the prologue as Airy suggested, so he didn't know about the whole curse thing or remember him from the show.)

- I didn't actually know that Owen and Liam knew each other since college, so when I looked at the wiki and found out I thought that was a really funny coincidence.

Thank you all for reading! Due to some current events I decided to release the rest of the chapters at once instead of at a pace like I mentioned. I plan to take a break from Wattpad for a while, and I hope you all understand.

hfjONE: Back, But At What Cost? (College AU)Where stories live. Discover now