1: Kisses and Misses -Luz

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"And there you have
it, folks," smiles Gus, shooting a proud thumbs-up at me and Amity. "the new Grom queens this year!" Me and Amity hold hands standing in front of the giant cherry blossom tree we have just created.

"W-wow..." I admired. I stroked the tender bark and let the blossoms sprinkle onto my nose. "Wow, WOW, WOW!!! We really did this?!?" I hugged Amity tight, squeezing and spinning around.

A pinging sound came from the pendant around Amity's neck and, sensing it was her mother, listened in annoyedly. "Amity Blight, get your hands off of that filthy-" *Ka-chink!* The pendant broke into pieces from my grip around Amity. Hearing the noise, we stepped away from each other.

I gasped in horror, "Oh no, Amity! I broke your pretty necklace! Please don't be too mad at-" But a peck on the cheek ended it. "It's alright," smiled Amity, holding the shattered pendant in her gentle hands. "You made it better. My mom doesn't need to talk to me on that thing anyways." I happily grinned, grateful that I could help, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Amity just stood there, flustered.

"Didn't your mom give you-"
"Yeah, yeah, she did. It's like, a contact necklace...? I don't need her to talk to me anyways."

About to toss the necklace into the sea behind them, a faint whisper echoed from the cracked gem, "If you ever s..set foot near that human again, if you ever press a lip on that owl lady's peasant again, I will end her and you."

Amity, shook by this sudden threat, threw the necklace into the water, watching it fall into it's small but dramatic plop into the water. A single tear fell.

But also authors note

I WILL ADD MOR pls don't ask for a part 2 Too much on this chapter. I will add one. Tell me what you want in the next chapter tho!

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