3: The Owl House - Luz

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    We finally got home after flying from school, and me and Amity got off of Owlbert. "Nowww, I want you to see my room!!...or, at least where I'm staying until i go back to the human realm!" I say with an invisible drumroll.

Amity grasps my hands nervously. "You're not going home soon, are you?" she asked worriedly. I blush, but then laugh it off. "No, of course not!! But...I wanna check on mi mámi, y'know?" I reassure her. "You guys get to see your moms and dads, while I..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "Nevermind that. Let's go!" I grabbed Amity's hand so tightly that she flinched and got flustered, then practically dragged her into my room there.


   "Wow! This certainly is...something." Amity sighed once we got to my room..or..living quarters. "Yeah, it's not much, but..E-Eda's trying!" I try to smile. I caress her face in my hand and kiss her on the forehead. She blushes, then walks over and sits down on my sleeping bag, patting a space for me to sit too. "Oh-Uhm-well-what's up?" I stutter, blushing. I sit down like she wanted me to, and she grabbed my face, this time with both hands, and kissed me on the lips.

    They were soft, and the kiss didn't last too long, but i was still so embarrassed!!

When she finally let go, i smirked at her. "What's that face for..?" Amity asks nervously. "Wowww, i didn't think that the blushing mess would shoot her shot so soon!" I joked. Welp, then and there she turned into a blushing mess. "Oh, Luz, shut up sometimes!!! You're too flirty for your own good!" She exclaimed. I burst into giggles. "But you love me regardless, don't you?~" I'm already back to teasing. Amity swats me away with a hand and we both just sit there yelling at each other and giggling ourselves to tears.


It was really nice having Amity over here. Her mom, Odalia Blight, doesn't yet approve of me, so it's rare that she comes over to the Owl House. But i'm almost glad that she passed out at school, because this probably wouldn't have happened...N-NOT THAT I WANTED HER TO PASS OUT!!...I'm just saying if she didn't, her mom most likely would've gotten involved, and...Well, we all know how bitchy she can be.
After some long hours of hanging out and giving a house tour, Amity gathered all her school supplies and kissed me on the cheek.

"I should probably get going. I don't want my mom to start worrying," Amity said.

"But, you just got here! Can't you stay the night?" I whined. "Hey, Eda could talk to Odalia about it! And if your mom says no, just stay here anyways! There's nothing she can do about it! If she wants to get to you, she'll have to get through me fir-" I began rambling, but Amity caressed my face in her hands and kissed me on the lips again.

"I know you want me to stay, batata. But trust me on this, okay? If my mother sees me staying at a human's house, let alone with THE Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the damn boiling isles...she's going to get really mad, at me, at Eda, and at you. And..and i don't want that to happen to my special batata." Her hands rested on my face as she spoke. I could hear her voice breaking a little bit...why was she crying...?

"W-well, babe, I'll get outta your hair..." She lingered her hand on my face for some seconds, then grabbed her backpack from my feet and trotted out the door.

"W-wait, sweet potato!" I called. Amity spun around, and before she could speak, I swept her up in a twirling hug and kissed her for a long time. "I'm gonna miss you," I smiled. Amity brushed a tear to the side. "Oh, silly. You'll see me in school tomorrow, dear." She spoke gently.

"I...I know." I said quietly, and then we kissed once more.

"sweet potatos!!" || a lumity fanfiction by mars ||Where stories live. Discover now