5: Packing!! - Amity

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  I dashed upstairs to pack my stuff for Luz's house, clothes and all. I was only staying one night, but I have to make sure I don't forget anything...Oh, wait! I already did!

  "Hey Emira!" I called down the stairs, "tell mom I went to the Night Market and got kidnapped too!" I heard Emira's stifled laugh, and couldn't help but hold mine in too.

  "Oh right! You're staying the night, aren't you? Stay for more than one night, though. That'll really make it seem like you got taken!" Emira suggested, laughing between every other word.

  "Alright!" I called back, and then I went back to happily packing my bag.                       

  While stuffing clothes into a tight suitcase, something caught my eye. I reached out to grab...faded photographs of the Hexsquad's Grom Party. "Aww, cute!" I cried. It felt so long from that day, though it was really some weeks ago.

  The Grom Parties before that particular one had been quite drab if I do say so myself. Every year, it's the same old shmutz. Someone gets chosen and Grom King, Queen, or Royal, then they fight Grom and win, securing their place as that title!

  But when Luz came around, I had to see her fear and she had to see mine. It's never been a case where two people fight Grom together, especially not a queer group like me and Luz. But, I'm almost glad she almost got beaten, because we wouldn't have had that sick dance that we did!

  Oh titan. Here I go reminiscing on old times!

  I folded the pictures away and placed them in my bra, closer to my heart, then patted my chest and continued packing.

  I couldn't wait to see Luz later!!


  "I'm finished!" I finally called, walking down the stairs and dragging a heavy suitcase behind me. "Girlypop, you're not going for that long! Only a week or two! That's not long!" Emira eyed my large bag behind me.

  "Uh-?! A week or two IS that long! It's practically like I'm living there!" Saying that made me flushed. My heart pounded out of my cheat at the thought of living with Luz...Seeing her every single day just made my heart swell. :3

  I ran over and took Emira's hands into mine pleadingly. "Look, I'm sorry I'm overpacking, but I'm also over excited for this! I can't wait to hug Luz at her entrance, then kiss her stound the face, then cuddle with her at night?! AAAA it's all gonna be so cute and romantic!!" I sang, dancing around the room with Emira hand-in-hand.

  My face was flushed with blush, but I didn't care. Me and Emira laughed the whole time, waiting for Eda to finally get here.

  What a day this was! :3

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