nine | the final fight

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PETER HAD CHANGED INTO his awful hand-made version of his suit. Seeing it, Davina had remembered the days when she was limited on materials and resources, unable to make a perfect suit for Mimic.

Davina had a brief rundown: the Vulture was Liz's dad, who knew Peter was Spider-Man. Hearing that, Davina's lips had parted, but she was invisible with her expression unknown. For the first time, Davina could relate to Liz.

While her dad was not the villain, Malcolm Coleman was on the run, leaving Davina to grow up without a father around.

And now Davina was going to help bring down Liz's father.

It felt wrong, but the Vulture needed to be stopped before anyone was hurt.

They ran outside the back of the school through the fire escape. But, catching the two off guard, Spider-Man was knocked down with a blue crackle of energy. As he rolled to the floor, Davina had come to a pause, staring at the alien-like weapon, petrified that she'd mimic the weapon again.

"He gave you a choice," said the man with the gun. "You chose to run."

"What the hell?" Spider-Man said.

"What's with the crapy costume?"

But, as the blue energy sparked again, and Davina looked to Spider-Man, she found a flare of bravery. Davina had grabbed the man's arm, surprising him as she had been invisible, but then Davina had mimicked the power of the weapon as he was sent flying backwards.

"Nice, Mimi!" Spider-Man encouraged her.

"What the hell?" The man muttered, groaning.

Spider-Man had run for his web shooters, but the man had noticed. As he had skidded to the ground, he had landed near a school bus, where he now used his weapon to hit the bus. The large yellow bus was flung towards Spider-Man with Davina adapting herself to speed up, pulling Spider-Man away from the collision.

However, the end of the bus had caught Davina, knocking the two into another bus. Glass rained down around them as Davina felt the sharp sting, triggering her healing.

"I wasn't sure about this thing at first," said the man. "And, now, I know it hurts like hell, but damn."

The man had attempted to punch Spider-Man again, but Davina was there, catching the weapon in her own hand as the power erupted. Neither was caught in the blast as Davina absorbed the power.

"Show yourself," the man hissed.

"I would," said Davina. "But you ruined my dress, so you're stuck with me being invisible."

"Another kid."

"Another kid ready to stop you."

Then, with that, Davina pushed the power back out of herself as the man smashed back into the bus, moaning as he struggled to get up.

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