Chapter 1

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Diana (pov)

"Ready to order mam" the Waiter asked us

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"Ready to order mam" the Waiter asked us.


"Yes?" I looked at Mom and then the Waiter.

"Well, I'll have what you are having Mom" I said before seeing people around me.




All of them are secretly watching me. My breath became heavy as I saw the two girls whispering while looking at me.



"Dad" gusse I'm too occupied in the things around me.

"If your feeling uncomfortable" if I'm feeling uncomfortable. Actually what's comfortable means? How is it felt?.

"No... Why would I" I answer to him, ofcourse I'm not uncomfortable because I'm used to this discomfort so freaking much, now it's feel like usual routine.

"Good you shouldn't" Mummy encourage me. Why are they concerned about me?.

I'm soo tried, so tried that I even find their concern frustrating.

For god sake some body treat me like a normal person. Please.

"Hy see her" the small girl from other table said as she point at me.

"What in the hell" the other small girl joined her.

"Omg she looks so funny" Yeah I look, who will not make a fun off you when you seem similar to cow, zebra and God knows how many more creatures.

"Yeah like a cattle " I know

"Shhhhhh she will hear you" I can even I don't want to. The parents shut their kids.

"I need to go washroom" I excuse myself and walked away from the our table.
I know it's not their fault, they are just kids. Small kids who doesn't know about cruel world waiting for them outside.

I locked the door leaned to wall in one of the stall of washroom.

I know I'm used to it but why.... Why it alway hurts, my heart ache, there's undefined heaviness I feel whenever I hear those words and sentences.

And like every single time I walk away lock myself and rub off the tears.

I'm so tried. I'm tried of this life. Should I give up on this life?

Shit I'm not even brave enough to take my own life. Yeah I tried it many times secretly but my fear always came in between my miseries and throw me to face my life again.

What I have to do ? How can I become normal. How can I make my life normal?.

'Look at her' shit!, Don't speak.

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