Ichigo X Reader (G/N)

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'ok Y/N! You can do this!' you say to yourself mentally.

Walking towards a specific orange haired boy

"NOOO I CAN'TTT!!" You shouted turning away and running

Little did you know Ichigo was watching you all to carefully

Though being one of the smartest in his group he didn't understand what you were doing or well... Going to do

Your pov

"I can write a love letter and put it on his desk for when he comes in tomorrow." I nod aproving the idea

"Why am I nodding to my own comment?" I rolled my eyes

"Ok how do I start this... 'Dear Ichigo' .. No... Doesn't sound like me... 'Dear Strawberry'. Good. Uhh

'Dear Strawberry,

there is something I've been meaning to tell you but just haven't been able to put in on the right words... or even had the confidence to put it into words in front of you. So! I have decided to write this letter to you. You may never read it or care to... but just know I worry for you, your always getting yourself hurt for other people.. Not that that's a bad thing... I mean! Saving the people not getting hurt! Who am I kidding... allowing myself to think that you could love me, I love you and I know its not the greatest way to tell you my feelings but it's mine... I-I just wanted to say this before something goes wrong.

Your love,


That's good right?"

I nodded and sealed the envelope

Time skips I walk into Ichigo's classroom and snake towards his desk.

I turn around to look if I had been spotted

Luckily I hadn't been spotted and Ichigo wasn't in which was good for me at the moment.

I put the envelope on his desk and turn around just to see him walk into the classroom says hi to Orhime as I start talking to Chad, Uriu and Rukia.

I say my goodbyes turn to Ichigo as he looks at the envelope "Good bye, Strawberry!" I say smiling

He looks up smiles lightly and waves at me

I walk to my classroom and wait for lunch.

When lunch comes Iching is oddly silent.

"Psst! Rukia," I whisper she turns her head to me "what's up with Ichigo?"

She shrugs and whispered "he's been like that ever since he opened that envelope with-"

"Y/N!" I flinch and look up to Ichigo with his hands on the table standing

"H-hi Ichigo is there so-something you need?" I question

"I need to talk to you. Now." he says

He steps next to you. I nodded not entirely sure what to say.

We walked in silence until we cam to an empty hall way

"Y/N I read your letter" he said so calmly I couldn't tell what he was thinking

"Y/N I love you so much but I never thought of confessing to you because I always thought you were in love with Chad"

"Look Ichigo Chad's nice and all but I only have eyes for you. I love you too Ichigo."

He leaned in and kissed me.

Just as I was going to kiss back I heard yelling and was pulled out of the kiss

"Orhime! Why would you do that?!" Ichigo yells helping me up

"B-Because SHE STOLE EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER LONGED FOR!" she yelled in my face

"How-HOW DARE YOU TAKE AWAY KUROSAKI-KAN FROM ME?!" she yelled again slapping me


She turned and ran off crying like a 4year old kid

"ha! Teaches her to hit me!" I say rubbing my cheek

Ichigo takes my hand off my cheek and kisses my face

"Why don't we go home yeah?" Ichigo askes

"YAY! HOMETIME!!" I yell running off to get my back

(school ended early)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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