I want another kid / bye bye exs

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Chapter 24.

When I woke up the very next day it was weird , I didn't see Andrew sleeping in my bed anymore, in fact he's not even in the bedroom and the smell of something cooking was waking me up . He's cooking ?! . I slowly get up from bed and toss my smile slippers on my feet grabbing his hoodie and throwing it on fast before I'm rushing downstairs to my kitchen . A shirtless Andrew was cooking shirtless and Sarah's sitting at the counter and she's eating food , hopefully nothing he's cooking . I hoped the food was only for us two and nobody else. Sarah gives my presence away saying oh hey look who's awake ! He's been cooking all morning. She takes her fork and pointed at Andrew shirtless making me uncomfortable and shiver . Andrew turned around to face me saying oh hey cutie ! You look good in my hoodie he looked me up and down. I feel better. I don't see his eyes on anyone but myself and dam it feels good. Feels like we never broke up and I loved it .
Hi I said letting him wrap his arms around me near the hot stove . Whatcha cooking ?!!
You're favorite! Chocolate chip pancakes. And hot or ice coffee I forget what you prefer.
Ashley- hot in the morning and cold in the afternoon time . Gotcha he said flipping the pancake. Then he says go sit down babe . Babe ?!!! Don't die right here on this floor !!!!
Sarah finished eating saying I'm never cooking myself eggs ever again! And before I'm able to say anything she's walking outside and waxing her surf board. She's definitely a morning person I joked laughing. I can tell he says sitting by me placing my pancakes by me and also eating his pancakes and hot coffee. He gave me a forehead kiss before he keeps eating . He smells like maple syrup. I drink my coffee and ate my pancakes 🥞 I'm full before he's done . He quickly finished saying I got your plate ! He takes it and he's already placing it in the dishwasher before I can even reject. Who's this guy and what's he done with my ex boyfriend? I'm in shock . Or I'm dreaming about him again and he's not here . Nope . Ouch . He's here . I pinch myself just to make sure . Why you looking at me like that? I asked him . I've been thinking about us and I think we should try to ...
He can't speak . Oh no . Andrew- get back together and....I roll my eyes Andrew just say it ! I laugh . I think we should have another kid , I want another kid with you Ashley !!! .
My insides have turned to jelly and my hearts completely gone outta my chest and right into my throat as it gets dry and dry and oh my good call 911 I'm having a heart attack!!!
Excuse me a minute I said before running away . I look myself in my bedroom and call Kayla up - hello she sang into the phone. Hey keep it down I whisper warn her tru the phone . She laughed harder- why is your boyfriend still asleep in your bed ? She says all serious. Andrew wants to have kids with me and get back together I spilled the tea 🍵 I really did . I hear the sound of the phone dropping to the ground then a wtf sound on the other line . Sorry what did you just say Kayla said . I'm tempted to say yes to both I said . Kayla- you're a idiot ! She hung up on me and I burst into laughter. Hey you ok in there Andrew shouted upstairs. Yeah I say I had to uh use the bathroom really quick!!! .
I rush back downstairs and he's saying - did I make you uncomfortable? I'm really sorry ash if I did . Ashley- no you're fine . I grab his hand and lead him upstairs and say let's go . Andrew eyes get wide and I said no baby making tonight. Savanna might kill us if she finds out we're hooking up. You're right Andrew says but we're not divorced . Tell it to her I said laughing. Andrew burst into laughter yeah in her mind we definitely are !! .
Kayla texting me- hey I think we should chat when I'm back home from joes parents !!!
Ashley texts back - I'm not dating Andrew and he's not moving back in the house Kayla so don't start with me. Kayla texting 💬- good because he's always gonna be fake bout his feelings for you . She sent me a pic and my body just went into smoke as I jerked my hand free from his saying what the actual fuck . Andrew- what is it now babe ? Shut up I scream at him . Okay he said. Ashley- don't touch me ever again and you can leave now I warn him . Andrew- what's up with you? We were fine all morning and now what ?!!!!
I show him my phone- you've been hanging out with the new chick in town , get outta here ! I'll be showering, wiping away that girls nasty germs off my body and washing it down the drain . Meanwhile you can go fly home now and never fly back here again oh wait you moved here to Hawaii and my bad that's why you moved here , right ?! For us for me ? For savanna even ?! Andrew jaw dropped- let me explain please . Shut you're mouth Andrew I'm over these tucking games you've been lying about how you feel !!!!! .
Andrew- woah you're overreacting I didn't move to Hawaii for other girls who already have lived here Ashley, you've got it all wrong . You can't trust me and it's not my issue anymore, it's definitely not , that's your issue . Don't blame me because I never meant to cheat on you with amber . You broke up with me and I went back to her right after that .
That part wasn't cheating . But yet you act like I'm a cheater . You're wrong bout it all !!!
Ashley- I'm wrong about everything that's happened between us ? These words repeat in my head over and over again and again. Ashley he steps closer towards me . Stop ! I screamed at him shoving  him away . Ashley I'm sorry about everything I just said I'm..I cut him off mid sentence saying - I think you should go . Andrew runs a hand through his hair and looks sad - yeah clearly you're lost , I didn't move here for any girls but you Ashley and sooner or later you'll understand it . Bye . He said nothing else he just left . I run upstairs and text Kayla please tell me your on your way back here , then I cried and I cried and I cried till my head throbbed in pain . Wow I almost fell under his spells 🪄.

Later on Kayla found me crying in a bubble bath and says oh hunny I'm sorry I wasn't trying to ruin everything with you guys . I mean I hate him but I want you to be happy.

Ashley sighs - i just hate seeing amber with him but maybe I'm starting to see it . I shake my head . Kayla asks me- what are you starting to see ? Ashley- that it's gods way of telling me to back off and let him be ...that with him it wasn't ever going to happen.
Us getting back together rather we both want it or don't or we're both confused about who belongs with who ....I get it now . We don't belong together and it's too toxic for it to be fixed when he blew it from the very beginning and he has no right to March into my house and say that I'm the issue and everything was never his fault or his own issue and he even said we're together cause of savanna basically. That kinda fucking stung !

Kayla- I've been waiting for this time to come when you're both seeing wow hey we're never going to work just because the people we love want us to try and fix Everything.
A ex boyfriend or girlfriend....it never ends well if you try fixing the issues and I'm so sorry ash . He blames you and takes no responsibility for his actions on cheating on ya and all you've done is support his ass . I'm fired up to and I think this ends tonight and I think one day you're going to meet your person . He's gonna treat you like his person he won't ever let you slip away like Andrew or even adre has done to you . You're gonna be okay . She hugged me . I laughed crying and hug her back now get your ass up Ashley ! .
I got you Starbucks and it's get warm . Matcha 🍵 she says walking away. For the first time in a long time I'm over him and I'm going to fight against my friends who trying to pressure me into dating him , because if my bffs saying he's not my person anymore like he used to be . Fuck . My head needs to get outta those storming raining cloud 🌧 yikes .

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