Introduction! (Important)

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This is my continuation of Anne with an e, starting a few hours after where they left off in the ending of Season 3 episode 10.
Here's some information you might want to know, you don't have to read but just to write it down somewhere:

1. There will of course be time skips, and there are two types. If the time skip looks like this:
Then that means that it's the same setting or scene, only a few minutes or hours later (you'll know)

But if it looks like this:


Then that means it's either a new scene and POV or it's a day or week or whatever later (again, you'll understand what it is by reading the story)

2. This will be written in third person. I will make it be written from the POV of certain characters ofc, but just not in first or second person

3. In the show, the first day of Queens and U of T for the students begins the next day, but for the sake of the story I've decided to do something different - what happens is that the students arrive to their boarding rooms/dorms two weeks or so before school begins. In my plot, this is because they just need time to settle in, but I've already revealed to you all why it's easier in real life.

4. By the time I publish my first few chapters, I'd have already started and completed a lot of the next ones and it is for this reason that it may be difficult to take requests (if I even get any, probably not 😭). I do this because I do struggle with time management and commitment to certain projects but the last thing I want to do is leave this story without an ending because I lost motivation, and so I write my chapters in advance in order for it to be easier to post regularly while still writing at my own pace.

5. As most of you know, Queen's and UoT are real places. Unfortunately I live in Britain and the only times I've been to Toronto I never went to the university and haven't done lots of research. Because of this I'll only be using the images of the two universities as a loose reference and nothing more. All other descriptions, courses, professors etc are simply fictional.

6. We unfortunately do not get to see Gilbert's dorm rooms, so I'll just explain the setting in advance since I don't describe it in the beginning. Basically once you enter it's a rather large dorm, with the common room that has the dining table, kitchen, couch, etc, and then there's the three doors of Gilbert and his roommates' bedrooms.

7. I do feel uncomfortable writing smut so don't expect to get a lot if any at all

8. There are some minor things I've changed about the plot that weren't discussed in the show but these barely make changes and I've described them in the story so I don't think there's any problems, just a heads up.

9. I try my best to remain historically and just generally accurate with the show, feel free to offer any constructive criticism though as long as you're respectful

10. This is my first fanfiction and I admit that I've always felt as though my writing style has flaws. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or real, so apologies if it's real.

11. There will be certain storylines or scenes that could perhaps be similar to other fan fictions or books. I don't believe there will be any direct plagiarism of course, but if you see something you recognize from something be sure to point it out and I'll do my best to give credits if I indeed was inspired from it. Unfortunately I can't currently give any actual credits since I don't really remember where I get the ideas from - my brain just remembers the things I've read that I love and mixes them in with my own take and interpretation of it.

12. I'm doing this mainly for my own pleasure as I do want to work on my writing skills and also want to continue the plot of AWAE for myself (yes I do know about AOGG and the books, but I don't currently feel like reading them, perhaps I will. I definitely can't watch AOGG however, now that I've seen Lucas as Gilbert I can't possibly imagine him looking any other way 😍). I will try to do as much as I can to make sure any readers I get enjoy it though.

13. I tend to write too much sometimes but I'll try my best to keep each chapter around 2000 words, there may be some exceptions.

14. As you know the girls stay in Mrs Blackmore and Lily's boarding house for college. In a boarding house, work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc is usually done by the hosts but I decided to change it a bit. Mrs Blackmore owns two houses, one is the boarding house and the other, very close, is her usual house. She decided to rent out the previous for students in order to earn more money and so she does visit more often, especially in the beginning, but her and Lily live in the other house.

Alright that's enough now, thank you for those who decided to read all of this❤️
Now enjoy my darlings ✨

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