My First Crush

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4th grade:
Oh my God oh my God oh my God i'm late! I shall woke up early this morning because today is my first day at new semester! Who is my homeroom teacher? Is he/she the killer one? What if he's the killer one?! I would embarrass my self in front of my friends!
"Congrats. First day and late. A fresh start of new semester Miss Choi,"
Crap! Mr. Heechul, not a good one! He's the king of dissing and sarcasm! I saw everyone are laughing at me. I just caught air for breathing and tried to ignore them for a while. Sulli you're a great girl! They're my friend what should i feel shame of?
"I'm sorry Mr.Heechul i caught in a traffic jam,"i lied. What on earth in this peaceful city that a traffic jam is exist unless there's a massive car accident?! And ofc everyone didn't buy my reason and they laughed while Mr.Heechul's face got reddened.
"Great reason Miss Choi. I will punish you but before, put your bag on the empty desk,"
I searched the room to find an empty desk. Gosh, if only i can come faster i could sit beside Krystal my bestfriend.
"Beside Oh Sehun, is that empty Sehun?"Mr.Heechul asked to a stoic face boy. Sehun nodded but didn't even look at me. Oh this boy, i've never talked to him. He's just one of those naughty boys' friend.
"Hi,"i tried to greet him but he just shrugged. Ah, ok Sehun I don't care. Then the teacher demanded me to standing in front of the class while watching him teach the class. Good day, good start Choi Jinri. Study while standing. I looked at Krystal with pleading eyes hoping for nothing because i know she cant give me any help. But at least i felt stronger, i have my friend here.
"Gosh that was tiring!"i placed my butt on my chair. Hoping the boy next to me will give me any encouragement but he just focus with his stupid mathematic book. Oh yeah, he's so great in math.
"May i borrow your note? Because you know, I can't writing while standing,"i asked him directly. He drifted his eyes to me, plainly.
"Oh, Choi Sulli are you done standing in the corner?"he held his laugh and the boys around us laugh at me. Damn it Oh Sehun i never know that you're this annoying!
"Yes i am! Thank you for your concern!"i hit my table and leave to Krystal. Seems like i'll have a tough year having this boy sitting next to me. I hope teacher will arrange our seating during this semester.

5th grade:
Yeay new year of fifth grade! I'm so happy that today I didn't late! It means that i can sit with Krystal or Luna and keep my desk away for Sehun. He was pain in the ass the whole year back in fourth grade. He made fun of me, reported me to teacher when i forgot my homework, stealing my music recorder and blew it instead and lick it until his saliva covered the recorder (ewwww) and he even marked his territory on our desk which was his more than half of our desk. So irritating!
"Finally i can sit with you Krys!"I clapped my hands with Krystal.
"Yeay! It will be a fun year!"
"Oh my Gosh you're right!"we hug like a fool but we must be quiet when our homeroom teacher entered the class.
"First of all, i want boy and girl sitting together. So you guys won't be noisy,"Mrs. Taeyeon sit on her chair.
"What?! Nooooo!"class started fuming around. But Mrs. Taeyeon hit the whiteboard with a wood ruler.
"Quiet guys! Not change to the closer pair,"
I turned around my head to the right just to look at IU changed with Lay's partner and i turned to the left to find Luna already changed to Kyungsoo's seatmate. When i was about to look in front of me, Krystal tapped my shoulder.
"I will sit with Suho,"she said. I narrowed my eyes to her and she gave me sign to look behind us and i turned back my sight. Damn.
"Why didn't you tell me that Oh Sehun is sitting behind us?!"i whispered to Krystal in frustration.
"I just knew it!"
Oh great.
"I'm with Suho!"i told her, but late. Suho already stood up and about to take my seat.
"May I?"
Oh shit this lovey dovey humans! I know you like her and you to Krystal likes him! But you guys can't just make me as a sacrifice to sit with Sehun again this whole year!
"Sulli what are you waiting for? Faster we should start the class,"
I sighed as Mrs. Taeyon caught me still hestitated to change my seat. I guess i have no choice. I placed my butt very hard to the chair next to Sehun.
"Stupid,"i heard he chuckled when seeing me in pain. You really enjoy this Sehun?
"I hope this year you won't be as clumsy as last year. Don't be Mr. Kangin's pinch victim in his class,"he opened his book. I look at him with hostility. Sehun, can't you see in my eyes that i hate you very much?
"Thank you for your concern,"
"Oh forgot. This is my territory,"he draws a line on the table.
"Yah! You didn't make this when Kai was sitting here!"I shouted at him.
"Choi Sulli can't you be quiet? You're so noisy, you will shut your mouth off or standing on the corner?"Mrs.Taeyeon asked me in angry eyes.
"Sulli wants to study on the corner while standing Ma'am! This is how she start her new semester!"Sehun shouted and everyone are laughing remembering my last year first day. Damn this boy...i want to kill you so much you know!
"Aw!"he screamed quietly when i kicked his legs. Then he kicked me back and i kicked him again. Again until Mrs.Taeyeon got irritated and really summoned me to standing on the corner.
Sehun? He is teacher's favorite that's why when he acted like he didn't wrong, the teacher only punished me.

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