Chapter 6

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"Second Young Master did everything for you but he did not allow Lawyer Qin to tell you anything. He even made sure that you would never be able to locate or track down Lawyer Qin. I remember everything clearly. I do not understand why the second young master would do all that just for you, but it seemed as though he wanted to keep this a secret from you for the rest of his life."

"I used to despise you because you were engaged to and about to get married to the third young master even though the second young master had done so much for you in the dark. I have always thought that this secret would be kept hidden forever and that I would have to carry this secret to my grave."

"However, last night when I suddenly received a call from the second young master asking me to bring you to the cemetery, I knew that I could finally reveal the secret to you. At that point, I knew instantly that the second young master was finally willing to let you know everything that he had done."

Yn listened carefully as the driver filled her in on everything that Taehyung had done for her in the past. She was in shock and her tears flowed uncontrollably as she listened to the driver.

Yn had never shed a single tear for anyone ever since Eunji left them many years ago. However, right now, she could not stop her tears from flowing.volume00:00/00:00HARRY POTTER2adlogoTr


'Oppa... Why were you so foolish?

'Was your brain fried?

'Why did you do all these things for me?

'I was stupid enough to have thought that I met a Good Samaritan who decided to help my family out.'

Eight hundred million At that time, Taehyung was only twenty-three years old. He had to sell all the inheritance that his mother had left behind for him and he also had to borrow money from his friends just to settle her debt for her. However, not only did she know nothing about it, she had even regarded Taehyung as a stranger all this while.

It turned out to be this way...

It turned out that Taehyung had lifted an entire collapsed building and carried it on his own shoulders just so Yn would not suffocate.

"I am thankful that fortunately, you did not believe Mrs. Qin's words. If you did, I would have despised you more and felt that Second Young Master's feelings and all that he had done for you throughout all these years was in vain."

"Uncle, you are right. I really do not deserve all that Oppa had done for me," Yn said as she continued weeping. "I do not even dare to think about it. Why would Oppa do so much for someone as insignificant as me? Why did he do so much just for me?"

"Since you understand now, I am relieved to know that the second young master's dedication and feelings have not been in vain," the driver replied. When they stopped at a red light, he turned around and handed a paper towel to Yn.

"I want to see him now, uncle. Can you bring me to him now?" Yn asked desperately. Her vision was blurred as she had been crying continuously and she could not even make out the driver's face but she could not stop her tears from flowing.

"I think you should be patient, Miss Yn. You will definitely be able to see the second young master tonight," the driver comforted her. "However, right now, I have to send you to the place that you need to go to first."

Yn continued crying in the back seat of the car. Her eyes were extremely swollen and she felt guilt and bitterness in her heart, but at the same time she was so moved and touched by all that Taehyung had done.

At that exact moment, she vowed to dedicate her life to Taehyung.

In future, she would give Taehyung everything that he wanted. She would live her life for him and she would never hurt him. She would love him and care for him with all that she had and she will give him a whole bunch of children in future.

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