Chapter 56

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The netizens very excitedly rubbed their hands together in anticipation of a good show.

[There are thousands of people who are requesting for Yn to come up with a column to guide us on how to deal with villains! We need this urgently because there are seriously too many villains around right now.]

[I agree! Empress, please notice our little hands!]

[Perhaps Yn should just publish her own book. The sales of the book would definitely be amazing.]

[If you have no intention of writing a book, you can even set up a consultation channel that we can call in to and ask for advice! Please take our suggestions seriously!]

'What are they talking about now? Is this the beginning of another drama? However, it seems as though their proposal is pretty good?' the passers-by thought to themselves.

At this time, the Ginger Candies were going all out in their battle with Lin Kaiyan's fans. Lin Kaiyan was facing tremendous pressure, as not only did he have to face Yn, but he also had to face the criticism and comments from the passers-by and the netizens who were here to watch the drama unfold. In fact, Lin Kaiyan had no idea why the netizens and the passers-by chose to stand on Yn's side even though they did not know the truth at all.

Lin Kaiyan's fans started to feel the pressure.

[Can the passers-by just watch without giving their own opinions or comments? Crazy!]

[I don't believe that these people are just random passers-by. They must be Ginger Candies!]

[Fans of other artistes should just mind their own business instead of getting involved in this matter!]

[If fans of other artistes insist on getting themselves involved in this matter, don't blame us when we implicate your beloved idol in this situation!]

The passers-by felt very wronged at this time. Was it wrong for them to join in the fun?

Lin Kaiyan did not feel any panic initially as he thought that the production team would definitely approach him and apologize just so they could continue filming the remaining 20% of the episode. However, his gut feeling was completely wrong because the production team did not look for him at all. What was even more unsettling was the fact that the production team did not send anyone to communicate with Lin Kaiyan even on the next day itself.

Since Yn and her fans had already started their active retaliation against Lin Kaiyan's attacks, Lin Kaiyan was finally starting to panic.

This was simply because he did not have any solid evidence to prove anything even though he kept insisting that Yn had threatened him. Lin Kaiyan initially thought that his fans would be able to settle this matter for him as long as he persevered and insisted that Yn really did threaten him. However, he did not expect Yn's fans to be this powerful.

He had turned this situation into such a huge mess because he was making use of his fans by acting as if he was so depressed from the grievances that he had suffered.

When Yn had accidentally eavesdropped on Lin Kaiyan's conversation with his assistant, this was equivalent to Lin Kaiyan directly taking off the mask that he had put on to deceive everyone about his true personality. That was the reason why Yn decided not to give him any face during the second half of the recording. Therefore, Lin Kaiyan was really annoyed and he wanted to teach Yn a lesson. He got up and left halfway through the filming process because he wanted her to regret her actions.

In fact, Lin Kaiyan was not aiming for things to escalate so much because at this point, everything was already completely out of his control.


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