Chapter 23

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 "No! No! I promise that it will not," Yn tried to convince Taehyung. "And..." Yn kicked her leg in front of Taehyung before she leaned towards him and whispered, "Don't you want to see what I would look like when I am dressed as a dancer?"

Taehyung did not reply but Yn caught a glimpse of the sparkle in his eyes.

Yes, got it!

"If you don't say anything, then I will take it as your promise."

"Did I say that?" Taehyung replied as he started walking up the stairs slowly.

"Come on, we will not be shooting it tonight. The outfit that the young paparazzo chose was so ugly that I had him get me another set for you. How would that plain outfit suit someone like you? You are basically my idol," Yn complained as she followed behind Taehyung.

Taehyung smacked his lips tightly together before he finally replied, "It depends on your performance tonight."

Yn snorted as she stared at his back. Treacherous!

The third short video was titled <Ye Ji>. It was about a god of war, Chong Hua, who was a cold and soulless killing machine.

His only companion was a sword that he carried around with him wherever he Parkt. He had no family or wife and he only had a female confidant, Ye Ji, who was an extremely hardworking dancer at an inn.

Ye Ji was sold to the inn when she was merely five years old. She was extremely beautiful and she was already the best dancer at the inn when she turned fifteen. She was in love with Chong Hua but never did express her feelings for him because of her low status. The only thing that she could do was to dedicate a dance to Chong Hua every single time before he Parkt to the battlefield.

The both of them had this tacit understanding between themselves for more than ten years but Chong Hua never returned after the last night that Ye Ji danced for him.

One day, Ye Ji received news that Chong Hua had died on the battlefield. She immediately ran to the seaside, where she had always dedicated her dance to Chong Hua and danced one last time before she ran and sat by his grave.

Why did Yn insist on shooting the third short video despite Vera's opposition? These were the reason why.

Firstly, she really liked the third story. Secondly, she really wanted to see how Taehyung would look like in a traditional Korean outfit.

In fact, the most crucial scene in this short video would be filmed at the seaside and some rocks and a bunch of bonfires would be the props in this video.

Yn's makeup artist and teacher, as well as some of the people helping with the shoot, would also have to be there.

However, Yn decided that she would have to sign a confidentiality agreement with these people in advance because of Taehyung's identity.

Furthermore, she was going to join the <Mysteries of Heaven> cast very soon. Therefore, she had to make use of the time that she had left to prepare a big surprise for her fans before that.

Obviously, one of the major reasons she had wanted to continue shooting the third short video was because she would be contented if she could just play the video whenever she missed Taehyung when she was away.

It was already late at night when Vera arrived at the television and broadcast station to look for the staff member of <Hilarious Artistes> who had taken and released the photo of Yn the other day.

In order to facilitate the questioning process, the deputy director had called the staff to come directly to his office.

"Deputy director, are you looking for me?" the other party who was wearing an employee pass over his neck asked as soon as he entered the deputy director's office. At this time, Vera was sitting at the corner of the office.

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