11: Fourth Affiliate

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____________「네 번째 계열사」_*_「십일 |11」______________________________________

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번째 계열사
십일 |11

Choon-Hee stares at the skyscraper, her huge, lovely eyes glistening with the sun's rays from above, reflected in the large window structure in front of her. Was this truly the place where Samuel worked? The wind whipped through her hair as she stood still in front of the structure.

The black automobile had disappeared, leaving her alone. She swallows anxiously before taking a big breath and walking into the facility, paperwork in hand. She could at the very least get them a bag.

It was awkward to walk up to the doors. It felt strange walking inside such a vast place where everything was spotless. Her gaze wanders before settling on a woman at a desk, typing on her laptop. She takes her time approaching the woman. "Please excuse me; I've come to meet Samuel Seo."

The woman raises her head with a nice expression and was about to open her mouth to enquire if she had scheduled a meeting when she noticed the black badge and instantly called the male.

The male wasn't expecting her and was irritated that someone had contacted him when they knew how busy he was. "What?" He didn't mind if his voice sounded harsh and cold. He was irritated, and if they didn't heed his warning, they were going to encounter his wrath. "Someone has come to see you, sir. She is wearing a black badge-" Another quieter voice discreetly interrupted the woman.


"Sir, her name is Choon-Hee." His entire body becomes frigid; hoping she didn't think he always had such a cold tone. Hopefully, she can still be herself around him. It quickly thrilled his stomach to think that she had come to meet him, even though she had been at work.

"I'll come down and meet her in person." Samuel maintained his rigorous demeanor, although it was more cordial.

"Sir, yes. I'll advise her to hold on until you arrive." He then hung up the phone.

Samuel took huge strides out of his office. Ignoring a few people who called out his name in need of a signature. Those would be placed on his desk. He'd look after them later; Choon-Hee was more essential. He picks out his phone and calls someone after suddenly recalling something. After the fourth signal, they responded.

"Prepare food and beverages acceptable for a pregnant woman. Bring them to my office right away." He had no idea what she want. Whatever it was, she had to be at ease. Samuel hung up again before the person on the phone could respond. He was in a hurry.

He enters the elevator and descends to the ground floor, taking a deep breath as he goes. He's never felt this this before. This sensation bothers him greatly.

He then exists the elevator and walks up to the desk where he saw Choon happily talking to the woman with ease.

"Choon-Hee." When she heard his gruff voice, her eyes locked with his, and his heart clenched. The smile she offered him had him use all of his self-control to keep his mask intact. "Samuel-Ssi! I was told to hand over some papers supplied to me by Eugene."

That destroyed everything. She didn't choose to come here; she was forced here.

Damn it...

"Well, then. Can we meet at my office to discuss this?" But he wasn't ready to let her go just yet. Think about it, Choon agreed quickly, and they went up to his office. There was awkward silence the entire way there. It was simply small talk about how she was, how work was doing, and how she thought the weather was.

When he returned to his workplace, he noticed the snacks and drink on his desk. "Could you please have a seat? You are welcome to take the snacks as well; it is merely some from earlier." Choon takes the empty seat across from him and places the papers on his desk, genuinely reading them for the first time.

She thanked him as she took some of the food and read the papers before putting some out for him. Samuel picks it up and reads them through, realizing it will only take a few minutes to finish these. Maybe five minutes if he went at his normal pace. "Hm, this is going to take some time; would you mind keeping me company till I complete them?" He intended to keep her as long as possible.

"Yes. But I have some other commitments, and I need to go home before someone files a missing person report on me." When she thinks about it, Choon giggles awkwardly and rubs the back of her head. It would most likely start with Goo wondering where she was, but when DG discovered she was late and said so, hell would break loose.

With Goo's dynamic attitude, he would begin rambling about all the possibilities, ultimately freaking off both Gun and James. They'd take on the role of trying to contact her before they ended up like Goo. When she returns, the two of them will be fatigued, and Goo will act as if he hasn't seen her in a year.

She stayed over once since she had an assignment with Jay. However, it appears that someone failed to notify Goo, who freaked out, which freaked out James, who phoned Charles, who really checked her GPS before alerting Jay's father. Jay's father then contacted the butler, who informed the two of them. Choon was sent home and promptly chastised. In the end, she never trusted Gun to relay the knowledge to the rest of the group.

It was an excellent question to ask where he was at the time, because he returned home the next day.

Samuel simply nodded and returned to his work on the file, occasionally looking up at Choon to see what she was up to. He mostly found her reading through the papers or talking on the phone. The next thing she knew, she was strolling around the room, looking through books. He eventually signed the paperwork, but not before seeing Choon as she idly strolled around the place looking at his belongings.

He wished she would come more often. "Where are you going next?" Finally, he asks. Choon, who had come to a halt while walking around with her arms behind her back, turns to face him. "I genuinely don't know. The rest of the Affiliates?" She had no idea where she was going to go after this.

"Then let me take you."

"In what?"

"The helicopter."

Choon blinks before making a loud bewildered sound. He owned a helicopter. And she was going to accompany him all the way to the next stop?

Yes, it is quite brief. Please accept my apologies. I was trapped with the new chapters of Lookism and had no notion what to think.

Please inform if you find any 'sixteen-year-old'
Have a wonderful day everyone and take care!

I am done, I am quick. Yay...

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