Chapter 3

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Chaeyoung's POV

After we played around, it's not 2:15 PM

"Hey, I think we should now go and have lunch, I made an reservation a restaurant near by" Jeongyeon said while wrappings one hand around Nayeon's waist, holding her close.

"yeah, we should. Do we have to take the car or ?" Jihyo unnie said while sana was just behind her listening to the conversation

"no, it's nearby. We can just walk. Let's just get changed and we can go" Hyung said

"can't we just go there like this? what's wrong with what we are wearing?" Nayeon unnie said

"No, are you out of your mind? I am not letting other guys drool over you" Jeongyeon said in a very deep serious tone.

And not gonna lie, hyung with these manly vibe is pretty hot. Almost makes me gay for him.

First me and hyung went and changed our clothes later the girls went to change there. Till then we decided to clean our mess and pack up things, we are done for the day. Girls took little too much time to comeback, we are already done cleaning and packing, god knows what's taking them so long.

Sana, Nayeon and Jihyo came back laughing. 

"May I know what took you so long ladies?" Hyung said, hands on his waist tilting his head on the right side like interrogating them. 

"Oh nothing, we couldn't find sana when we went to change, turns out she entered the boys side" nayeon said, can't stop laughing 

"thankfully there was only one guy, he just decided to ignore my existence helped me get out of the room silently" sana said covering her face while keeping her head low. She did The classic Sana.

"Sana!" jeongyeon looking at sana with big eyes

After all this chaotic movement, we started our walk toward our restaurant. Jeongyeon talked to the receptionist and got us our table with a glass window, beach view. We all got seated, Jihyo Sana, sat across me, nayeon beside me and Hyung on the side. The water gave us plain water and menu as we asked for.

I decided to go for lobster and everyone copied my order except hyung who ordered a steak and some appetizers as we all couldn't decide what to order for appetizers. We all waited for the food and decided to chit chat. 

"so chae, hows you and somi? everything's going good?" Nayeon asked

"yup, pretty much. Everythings been pretty great" I replied

"I envy your relation sometimes, you guys are so chill, perfectly balanced" Jihyo said with a small smile on her face

"Actually, I was thinking of something else" I said avoiding eye contact. Everyone's now more interested on what I am about to say next. "I was thinking of proposing her" There, I finally said it.

I heard grasp, everyone's staring at me like a deer caught in the headlights. 

"what the-" Nayeon unnie said while sana just covered her mounth which was wie open 

"how can you casually drop something so big like this" Jihyo said with her high pitched voice

"well, I Just recently started thinking, I don't know when's the right time, I just know the time has come" I said shrugging. I looked at hyung who was staring at me, didn't say a word. I don't know what he is thinking but his silence speaks louder than his words. I had a feeling he has something to say but he didn't. 

"Well there's that, I might need help finding the perfect ring for her and plan a perfect way to propose her but let's not rush" I said looking straight in the ladies eyes letting them know not to get too crazy about this whole things.

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