Chapter 22

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Chaeyoung's POV

I am having my breakfast, getting ready for my work. I have tons of things to do today. I have to help Myoui with her moving stuff around and I have to go to gym before that. Plus we have to complete the minor projects before we go to Japan. I might have to go to Japan with the team next week or the week after that. Though we haven't received any confirm dates yet but we definitely have to go by this month. 

~Ring ring

"hello?" My phone rang but I just picked it up without checking the name first

"Hey Baby! what are you doin?" Somi said in her chirpy voice from the other side of the line

"Oh hi! I am just eating my breakfast, what you doing?"

"Oh nothing, just on my way to the office. So what's your plan for tonight?

"Oh, I have shit tons of things to do, will be pretty busy for the rest of this week actually" I said, taking a big bite of my waffle

"oh? too much work? office pressure?" Somi asked

"Yeah that too, but also I am helping Mina shift, remember her from the dinner party?" I said, finishing my breakfast by taking the last bite, I am already little late

"Oh? Why? I mean why are you the one helping her? Doesn't she has anyone else? other friends or anything?" Somi asked in a suspicious questioning voice

"Eh? I mean she is not from here? She doesn't have many friends here? Plus I am the one who offered to help her actually. She was living in a expensive small apartment So I helped her finding her a better apartment" I said, putting my phone on speaker while I was my plates

"oh, well that's nice of you. But why not ask your hyung and friends to help her? They are friends with her too no?" Somi said like she was not a big fan of the idea

"do you have any problem baby? I am just helping her as much as I can. They met her the other night but aren't as close as she can ask them for their help you know." Plus I am probably one of the person she talks to most out of all the people she knows here in korea. I wanted to tell her this too but I don't think it will help with the situation at hand

"I guess not. I was wondering if we could have a date night but seems like you don't have time for me, you never have anyway" Somi said in her gloomy voice

Now what am I supposed to reply to that? I wanted to tell her that the all the dates, everything we did, it was all for her. She is the once who cancels the date plan, I never did. I have to adjust for her. But if I tell her then she will make a big deal about it and I will probably end up as a bad guy here.

"Sorry babe, we can do a day out or go somewhere together next week? Before my Japan conference?" I said, trying to change the topic, trying to make up for her so she wouldn't be upset

"Sure I guess, I have to check with my schedule though" Of course 'your schedule'  

"Sure, let me know okay? I am running late for my office, gotta go bye! I love you!" I said finishing up washing the dishes, not have to run for office

"Bye I love you too"

This is the first time Somi showed discomfort in me helping another women, She always been pretty chill about it in the past. Why does it have to be Mina that she is uncomfortable with? of all the women? If Somi got to know how I really feel and what's going on these days with me and her she probably will kill me. Now this is my bad luck!

I am working, just usual day for me.

~knock knock

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