Chapter 2- Spooky Work

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- Kaide, I have an idea that you can like! Claire begins.
Do you know what day it is?
Kaide thought for a moment before saying :
- Yeah of course! It's October 31st. Why?

Claire gives a small smile and says:
- Do you want to go door to door to scare people?

Kaide's eyes began to shine and a naughty smile appeared on her face.
- When do we go? She said.
Claire knows her little love perfectly, so she answers her  question with:
- Follow me and take torn blankets.


The tall elf takes her to a room with sewing and asks her for the torn blankets of different colors. Kaide gives her the blankets wondering what her lover will do with them. Claire begins to tie them together by sewing them, cutting some of them and hanging them with strong string. After about 30 minutes, she has a giant white and blue blanket that she shows to Kaide for her opinion; she does not understand why her beloved elf did this so she decides to ask her.
- Claire... What's the point? Why did you do that? Her tail wiggles because she doesn't understand at all.

Claire looks at her.
- On Halloween there are monsters. I'm sure you know some of them! Remember the white monster that can walk through walls and is invisible? She asked.
Kaide thinks and then tells her she remembers.

- It's ghosts, right?

- Yeah it's a ghost! I made a ghost costume for us.

Kaide is confused. What's the point of dressing up like a monster if you can scare people directly without a costume?
- Kaideeee it's a tradition! You have to dress up as a monster and knock on every door to ask for candy. Claire said.

Kaide is still confused but pretend she understands because she doesn't want to hear hundreds of explanations.
- Okay okay, that looks... Fun.

Claire is glad that Kaide "understood" because usually she never wants to try to understand. (we all know she didn't understand xD)
Claire puts the white blanket on Kaide to make changes but small problem: her horns slide the blanket.
So Claire decides to make two holes the size of Kaide's horns in the blanket so they can protrude. Three minutes later, she puts the blanket back on Kaide by putting her horns in the holes and... It passes! It's right at their size.

Claire adds herself under the blanket to make a giant ghost and as she made a large blanket, she also manages to pass underneath.


Next step: the costume decorations!
To make the eyes, the two lovers must look for black and green fabric. Fortunately, they have everything they need.
Claire decorates the blanket and now it looks like a real ghost!
For her part, Kaide observes the work of her girlfriend and thinks she's lucky to be her girlfriend.
Twenty minutes later, Claire says that she finished! Kaide is excited about it, they're gonna test it!

End of chapter 2.

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