First purge 3 years late

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Tommy always thought he looked normal. Although as time grew on he noticed he wasn't. He'd go back for seconds and always had to hear "that's enough baby" from his mother.  He shrugged it off and would sit back down. 

Tommy went to a restaurant on the weekend and sat in the cushy booths that he could sit on for days. The family waited for someone to come take their orders, Wilbur, Tommy's brother, was talking about how his grades had been better lately and how all his extra curricular activities were amazing.

Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur. It's all about Wilbur, "Wilbur your doing so well sweetie!" "Go get yourself another piece of cake sweetheart" " I'm so proud of you!" 

Tommy was ignored casually in the booth, wishing I'd disappear suddenly or die if given the chance.

"Oh by the way guys today-" 

"Tommy don't be rude" his mother says

No one was even talking.

When the waiter came by to ask for drinks Tommy said "coke please" to which his mother replied "oh baby that's a lot of calories" to which he spoke again "never mind, just water" 

"I'll have a beer please" his father says "a vanilla milkshake please" his brother says "water" his mom says 

Tears prick Tommys eyes but he holds them back because "that's a stupid reason to cry" he thinks.

The waiter comes back with the drinks and asks another question "now that you have your drinks have you thought of anything yet?" 

"Yes I'll have the California Burger please"

"I'll have the Onion ring burger"

"I'll have  a grilled cheese sandwich"

"Can I please have spaghetti?" Tommy says 

"Coming right up" 

30 minutes pass and the only this Tommy hears are "I'm so proud" and "that mom sounds horrible" 

Dear god.

The food arrives and his mother says over the waitress who's giving me my plate. "That's a lot split that in half please" 

Tommy looks down at what he sees  and begins eating. He finishes before everyone else can and his mom says "I told you not to eat it all" 

Tommy gets up and goes to the restroom he sits down and sees "most dangerous ways to lose weight" he clicks on the article and reads "throwing up what you ate." 

To which he searches up how to do. "Anything's worth it if I can look normal, and skinny" he thinks to himself.

TW: Throwing up

He inserts two fingers down his throat and gags and gags before his dinner is there. He wipes his mouth with a little bit of toilet paper roll and gets up. He exists the stall and looks at himself in the mirror

Tw over 

"I'll look prettier soon" 

He thinks 

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