Chpt 3 homophobia

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(Keep in mind I'm not shipping him with anyone there's just mention of sexuality)

Tommy gets out of bed realizing it's a Monday. Tommy hates getting up early, with every melting bone in his body.

He gets up and puts on the school uniform he hates wearing along with a cardigan and  his white leather shoes that just had to be the only shoe type allowed.

Tommy grabs his backpack and throws himself in his mother's car. "Morning sweetie" she says.

Tommy didn't understand his mother, all she would do was change her mind like she had a lot of personalities. 

One day she ridiculed Tommy so much he started crying.

She still yelled at him until she decided she was done, she hugged him and said "come on baby I just want the best for you" in a soft tone.

"Toms your hairs a mess" Tommy's mom says snapping him back into the moment.

He quickly fixes his hair as his mom pulls into the school drop off and kisses his cheek. 

He jumps out of the car and walks in the school shuffling feet, "St  Simons my ass" he says under his breath.

As he gets into the classroom his teacher Mr Val says "Tommy I didn't get your notes"

"But sir I turned them in!" "Stop lying to me and sit down we'll have to talk during your brake, your grades are slipping" 

Tommy grunted and a boy names James chimed in "he's probably too busy thinking about boys to do his work"

Tommy told my trusted friend Dylan he was pan. He outed Tommy to the homophobic kids. 

Tommy ignored it until another boy said "why do gay people get a month to be appreciated man? All they do is fuck each other they didn't go through any hardships"

" that's bullshit, gay people had to suffer because of people like you, self centered biggots who act like assholes" 

"Mr Simons!" The teacher yells 

"What now you correct the fight?"

Tommy says in reply and the bell rings.

He gets up from his seat and leaves his class going to next period just before someone yells "Tommy!" It was Tubbo who was running to him with a look of pure ness in his eyes.

Maybe while Tubbo was there he could stand this place.


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