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~3rd Person POV~

Peter Parker is the Amazing Spider-Man. He'd been Spider-Man for the past 10 years. He was a supeehero who cared for the people. Not many people understand what that means. You'd think that having superpowers and being a superhero would be the greatest thing in the world.

Peter knew better. Peter knew what being a superhero meant. He'd been one since he was 15 after all. He started out as Spider-Man to make a quick buck through wrestling and being on TV for a short while. When given the chance to stop a criminal, he'd brushed it off. It wasn't his problem anyway. He had his money, and had his new career to worry about.  Not like that guy was important anyway.

How wrong he was.

Peter would later learn that that same criminal, who he had later discovered to be name Dennis Carradine, had murdered his uncle Ben. Upon learning this information; Peter would seek justice for his uncle and apprehend the killer. After, Peter would look back at all the times he had spent with his uncle and would remember a phrase his uncle had said a few times when referring to Peter's genius and what he could do with it. That phrase: "With great power, there must also come great responsibility" ;would become a mantra, for when he'd decided to become a superhero, in honor of his uncle.

Some would think that after becoming a superhero that all of his problems would disappear. His money; social and girl problems would all wash away. You'd be wrong.

Peter had made multiple enemies throughout his career as Spider-Man. And while it would take some time, Peter would come to respect some of them, simply due to being one of the few people to actually care about almost everyone. Not to say he doesn't despise people, some of his villains included.

Peter would face multiple hardships throughout his life, ranging from mundane money and girl troubles, to the bizarre Clone Saga and Superior Spider-Man Fiasco, to the devastating and heartbreaking loss of many of his loved one; the most impactful being the loss of his first true love Gwen Stacy.

Peter had always held Gwen dear to him, even after losing her. For a time, his love towards her had been tested, upon being made "aware" of an affair between Gwen and his arch-nemesis Norman Osborn; AKA the Green Goblin. This "affair" leading to twin babies between the 2. Even after learning of this, Peter would still hold Gwen dear to him, being his first real love and his greatest failure. It wouldn't be until years later that Peter would learn that Gwen and Norman's supposed affair was actually a lie created by Harry Osborn, the second Green Goblin, due to a feeling of of jealousy and hatred towards Peter and his father respectively. The children were essentially clones, created by Mendell Stromm on Harry's request, to further sell the lie. He'd also hired Mysterio to hypnotise Mary Jane Watson, or MJ as most people called her, into believing that Gwen had told her about both the affair and children.

Upon learning this, Peter would come to terms with any feelings of anger; rage and hatred he'd held toward Gwen for the past few years, and would ultimately make peace with a small part of himself in the end.

Peter had actually started thinking of Gwen far more recently. In fact, he was thinking of her right now.

Peter(thinking): Sometimes I wonder what I'd say if I could speak to some of the people I'd lost for a final time.

Peter was currently lying on a Web hammock in between two buildings, taking a small break from his patrol. A usual pass-time for the Wall-Crawler

Peter(thinking): I mean, everyone thinks about that right? It's completely normal. There are things I'd wanna say to them, but I just don't know.(Sigh) Maybe I'm thinking about this too much, but hey, not like I have anything better to sit and think about.

Just then Peter's Spider-Sense had gone off.

Spider-Man: Spidey-Sense??? What the hells setting it off? Feels like the word "danger" was just smacked across my brain by the Hulk.

Just then, his question had been answered. Hearing a loud metal creaking sound, Spider-Man would locate the source of the noise to be a collapsing construction crane.

Spider-Man: Oh man!!! Alright Spidey, time to get to work!!!

Swinging closer towards the crane, Spider-Man would see that the cranes supports on the ground had been tampered with. By who, he didn't know and didn't have the time to find out. His main concern right now is stopping the crane from hitting the crane from hitting the ground, something that would result in countless civilians being killed in the process.

Spider-Man: Okay Spidey, think quick. How do you stop a collapsing construction crane from falling?

Taking a few seconds to think, Spider-Man would come up with a solution.

Spider-Man: Alright, time to improvise.

Upon saying that, he starts to run along the crane and starts webbing key points of the crane to nearby buildings. After finishing this, with some effort, our hero would start to feel exhaustion, brought on by both the crane; a 10 hour patrol; 2 and a half hour sleep the previous night and lack of important meals.

Spider-Man: Oh maaaaaaaaannnnnnnn~

He started saying before slurring the final word to due finally collapsing. For a minute, he would be passed out and undisturbed. After that minute, a portal would open up behind his unconscious body, a figure stepping out.


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