chapter five

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Thank u guys so much for the votes and thanks for waiting for more updates, u peeps are amazing!! :* x :3 x I want to dedicate this chapter to ThatOneShipper << <3 X

chapter five: Caleb's P.O.V

I saw those pretty eyes close then flutter open as if I just offered him a million dollars, his short Brown hair was a ruffled mess as he ran his hands through them.

"Why do this to me? Torment me as if you can boss me around! I'm nothing to you, you sadistic bastard!" I gape my mouth open at his response, my nostrils flare, my eyes darkening, he dared to raise his voice at me!? I didn't think twice before wrapping my hand around that pretty little throat of his, a strangled moan escaped his lips as I inched closer to his pale complexion. He looked like an angel when I saw him the first time in the changing rooms, other than the leather pants he wore, now that made my dick move with so much power, I never had never felt before. It was his dirty little mouth that I didn't like but it showed that I can put up with a little trouble.

"You think I'm a sadist? Well I'm not! I'm a dominant which is a very big difference! Now boy, bend over my knee, I'm going to punish you." I set my voice stern and cold before raising my brow at him.  He suddenly pales then gulps, doing as I say, I would say that he wasn't putting up a fight, which was a very big surprise.

He places his creamy chest over my knee before he lays flat across my knee, placing my hand on his perfect spine, he shivers at my touch before a whimper erupted from him, I grin when I see him shift a little when his hand brushed against my bulge in my pants. Glancing down at the beautiful man across me, I see his leather shorts shape that perfect ass of his, making me image pounding myself inside him, I know he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me once I punish him.

"Your skin is so soft...I can't wait to leave my hand print on that pretty ass of yours." I slip my middle finger into the crease of the pane line, feeling that little flowered hole tense a little at my touch. He flinched when I remove his leather pants, seeing his ass began to buckle when I trace my fingertips underneath his dimples, he moans but held his breath when I smack his right cheek, caressing it then smacking it again.

"I'm going to hit your buttocks five more times and each time I do I want you to count then thank me afterwards." I said firmly before rubbing his tight little hole, its going to be painful at first for him but I'm going to make sure that he's going to enjoy every second of it.

"Yes." he said before I rub his hole again, he ass cheeks seem to relax when co insert a small amount of my middle finger inside, he felt warm and a little tight but he soon stretched once I push a little deeper.

"Yes what?" I twirl my finger inside making him grip the sheets and moan loudly, it sounded like music to my ears.

"Y-yes master." I release his hole and feel the pre-Come from his leaking shaft, I can't wait to taste his pleasure.

I smack his left cheek, hearing him counting with me made me feel proud, I know he wants to be mine, I saw it in his eyes the first time I saw him.

"One...two!..t-three!...four! Five!" I grinned when I felt him release against my knees, he's going to be coming quiet a lot tonight, he's going to be begging me too. Leo sits up, blushing down at the cum leaking from his semi-hard, a dark blush stretches across his cheek and knock, making him look more beautiful then he already is.

"Thank you for my punishment master, I enjoyed it very much." he bites his pink, full lips before breathing in deeply, I watch his beautiful orbs burn intensely into mine, how can any person not take this beauty in their company...after seeing my idiot younger brother kiss him in front of a bunch of horny devils. I knew quickly that he has never experienced anything with a guy or girl, he'd going to be mine..and I'm going to be his first and last. But jealousy got to the best of me, no other person will touch him, or else there will be trouble.

"Did you like it when my brother kissed and touched you like that?" I asked before kissing his shoulder blade, I sit him comfortably over me so he was straddling my waist, he seemed to like this when he placed his warm, soft, creamy hands behind my neck, he plays with my black strands, making my chest tighten a little...I knew he was going to effect me pike this but I didn't know it was going to hit me this hard!

"Answer me boy." I softly said while rubbing my hands across his back, he smiles at me...making my chest expand, I've never seen him smile before and I'm planning on keeping that smile plastered on that face forever.

"Yes..I did enjoy it and like it.."the glances at my lips before hiding his face at the croak of my neck, I had the urge to kiss him but I wasn't sure if he wants it...I inhale deeply, vanilla...he smells just like vanilla and flowers and I want to keep him forever.

"Would you like it if I did if to you?" he asked before pulling away from my neck, his hot breath fanned across my face.

"I would love it." cupping his buttoned face in my large hands, he almost looked like a child, scaring me a little.

"How old are you Leo?" my thumb skins his lower lip before his breath hitches.

"I'm 23." young, he must of left university by now. Five years younger than me, I suddenly felt a little old now. I should be married, living happily and adopted children by I never found the one...well tried to.

"Just kiss me already!" Leo grunted as his eyes filled with lust.

"Why the change of attitude? If I remember correctly, you were screaming at me to stay away from you." I said lightly with an amusement smirk when his face becomes hard and smirk drops. He pulls away from me, seated the end of the bed with a crumble mess, I see his shoulders shake and I couldn't tell if he wants comfort. I pull him to my chest, my hands fisted softly in his hair, I feel his small shakes in my chest, his tears staining my shirt but I didn't care about that, all I cared about was if Leo was okay.

"Leo? Leo, look at me, talk to me..." I mumbled against his hair, cooing him softly. He suddenly looks up as I lift his chin to meet my heated gaze...his large orbs were blood shot red, his lower lip trapped by his teeth. It pained me to see him like this, what was the reason for this?

"I can't t-take it anymore." he whispered before wiping his face but I stop him, I kiss his tears away, hearing him tremble in my arms.

"Can't take what Leo?" I wipe his eyes with my thumb before laying him on this mattress.

"This feeling inside, its been my dream to experienced BDSM, I was just to scared be touched, to be living in an environment like that." he breathes before avoiding my stare, why did he look so young? So innocent?

"What I'm saying is that...being touched by scared me to deaths I've never done anything...with a guy, but for some reason, I've been feeling something inside of me for you since I first saw you." he blushed then hid his face, making me smile. I pull his hand away before kissing it and moulding it into mine.

"It called arousal Leo..I feel it too, but you don't need to be scared, its your choice if you want this to happen, I will not harm you, spanking is the only limit of a punishment." I see him gulp, knowing that I want to involve him in BDSM, it's my life, and I can never change that.

"Was you serious about me being your submissive?" Leo asked before snuggling close underneath my arm, feeling protected and safe by me.

"Yes, I am serious...submissive have the control in what they want just as long as it doesn't involve bodily harm...I would never hurt you Leo, never." and it was the truth, I would never harm a single hair on his body.

"Okay then..." he said before having a huge splitting grin his face as I smile down at him.

"You really want to? Truly?" I pleaded while running my hand through my black, matted hair, he nods. Cupping his warmly fleshed cheek, I skim his soft skin my thumb again, making his eyes flutter closed.

"Good." I breathed before wetting my lips, he does the same out of habit as I firmly press my lips on his...I moaned in delight when my tongue peaked out to lick his lips like a helpless pup. He tasted just like he smelt, vanilla, flavoured water and him, my far.

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