Eastern Adventures

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Chapter One

Kalyani  couldn't believe her father arranged her to  marry  Prabhu,  Prabhu was an  very  old   raji who retained  his princepity  from  the   British. Kalyani  didn't understand  why she  had  to  marry Prabhu   but  in  a way she  understood. Kalyania her father who  she named  after   was a rich merchant and from the   brahami caste who  moved  to Europe   with his  wife and  daughter. Kalyani's mother  was   light enough to pass   for a European, she  was  a Parisi, which she and her   father escaped  by moving  to England. Kalyani was educated  in Europe and loved   her  time  in  that contient. Her  father wanted  to   make  sure  that  she was  well taken care. Kalyani had    dreamt of  adeventure and  excitment around the world. Though Indian   this   beautiful, olive skined exotic princess  was very  European except  for    her  darker skin. Kalyani had  those  gorgerous  brown eyes that were so mysterious, that  you  would ask  to  be  brought  into her world. Kalyani  though  disappointed  and  not  in love  with Prabhu , she accepted  the situation as  it was. And believed that her father  knew   was  best  and that even though he  was dead still protected  from beyond the  grave. She thought to  herself " I  think I would fancy  Prabhu one  day" and  with that said she went  her way to prepare to    be  married.

Hundreds of  miles  away from  the Indian Ocean  in  the  Mediterrean Sea in the Kingdom of  Spain. There lived   a Spanish duke Adrian Alberto  de Augustin, his father had also recently passed but unlike Kalyani, he  didn't  have  to  be married  to  anyone.  Adrian   an   wild  and  adventours man, he didn't want  to  be   duke  , all he  was concern about  traveling around the  world, , women and taking care of his younger sisters.  His  best  friend   an  English  Duke William Burrnet came  into  his  room and  said  ' Adrian   have a propostition  for  you"

Adrian turned  to  him  and  said   " What is that  William?

" I am  on my way  to India, to   see  the trouble that's going on there and to find out  about the  financial difficulities  of the   British East India Company, and  I know   you  may  want an adventure, you  will love  India"

Very well said Adrian , this  must   really exciting, when   do we  leave he askd

William replied  the steam ship is prepared  we  live  to tonight

I have  to tell   my mother and sisters  that  I am leaving,   walk with me  William

And the  two men  walked out of  Adrian's  room

In India  Kalyani  was dressed  for    her wedding, she  was frightened but    at the same time  relief, for  she did  not know what would  become of  her  if  she  does  not marry this  raji, his  whole family was there. She could  the sea  the elephants, Oh How  she  wished  she was   in the comfort of  her   English  manor,  she  missed the  English gloomy, dark and  cold weathe  that she had  grown up with. She  missed her father, she could  not  understated why the gods took him from her, maybe  she would  have   convinced him to send her  back to Europe with her fortune, Oh Kalyania   made sure  that   his  daughter’s  fortune  was  hers  and hers  alone,   he just wanted to  be physically safe. 

Kalyani had  never  witness  an  Indian  wedding for    parents  had  a European  one,  when  she  saw  the elephants and the  procession   waiting for her, she was  so excited because  it  was colorful   her  wedding dress, if  you  can  call it  that  was  red and gold and  she  was  covered with   jewelry ,  it  was     just so colorful and  it  was  happy  but  she  was   not ,  she  was  not  in  love  with  her  husband.

 Kalyani  was  scared, she  was  much  younger  than  her  husband and  he  was  much  older  than her  but  she  had  to   get  married  to  him.   Kalyani    could  hear  the  elelephants   , the  music  and  dancing  at  her  wedding,  so  colorful  she  thought  but   there  was a sadness inside  of  her .  she    dreamt  of  true  love  but   true  love      was  now  just  a dream , she  will  learn    to    love  her  new  husband.

In Spain 

Adrian   told  his  mother  he  was  leaving  ,  she  was  furious,      Angelinque     did  not  want  her   only  son  to  go    around the  world    exploring, it was  a  dangerous  world  out there   but  she      did    not  want  to alienate

Adrian  then said  to  his  mother  " Mami.  it  would  be   fine,  I  will  William  with  me  and   Pilar and Carmen   want  to  come, I  promise   we  will be  back  for  your   wedding  to    that  english   duke  Erickson  Bennet  and  aren't  you going  to  London  to  meet  him,  there  is  nothing  to  worry  about.  I  promise and  with  that   Anglelinque   hugged  her   son   and  went  and   help her  daughters  back,

Adrian  and   William  went their  separate  ways to  pack  and  promise to  meet  on the  ship.    Adrian needed  that  Adventure, it is  going to  a  long  and  fun adventure  in the  east

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