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By: i4ateez


Felix and Jisung are tired of all of Hyunjin's unbridled petulance and decide to put him in his rightful place once and for all.


The door slammed hard, as if someone was in a hurry, and Jeongin didn't even need to lift his head from the cell phone in his hands to know who it was. It wasn't the first and it wouldn't be the last time that Hyunjin resorted to the maknae wanting to escape the chaos he caused, hiding in his room until he was found by the same two people as always.

“It's the third time this week, you're really in trouble, aren't you?” Jeongin muttered, a small amused smile on his lips as he finally looked up, finding a slightly disheveled Hyunjin with a false expression of innocence on his handsome face.

"Felix and Jisung have no sense of humor, it's not my fault," he grumbled, a small pout on his beautiful lips. That tantrum was nothing new, but Jeongin knew that, at least for the moment, it was a facade to get away from what he had provoked.

“Let me guess, it's about Changbin hyung again, isn't it?” he guessed, raising an eyebrow in an amused expression.

“Maybe… But they're still talking about the studio choom recordings, which is really unfair, because it's been over a week!” Hyunjin looked exasperated, acting as if he himself didn't like to remember things from the past when he wanted something.

That had been the height of petulance for Hyunjin. It was as if he enjoyed every second they were being filmed, where none of them could react, after all, they were in public. Being naughty with each other was nothing new, it was part of their image and it was fun, so Hyunjin didn't stop Minho from grabbing his ass as many times as he wanted while making fun of Changbin and all the other boys.

Jisung and Felix seemed to beg for his attention, pulling him by the string of his pants, hugging and touching him every moment they could, as a warning to him to stop, or he would regret it when they were alone and he knew damn well what both were capable of doing.

However, he continued, teasing Felix and going up to Jisung, taking advantage of his height to “bully” him, claiming that he talked too much and teasing him beyond measure. It was as if he had no filter at all and the other boys were amused, wondering how he would regret it later.

As expected, when they arrived at the dorms, Hyunjin was practically cornered by the two boyfriends who had fire coming out of their ears and wanted more than anything to put Hwang in his rightful place, and it was only with Changbin's help that he was able to escape, escaping to the maknae's room, and that was where he'd slept for the past week, taking every moment he could to get away from them both.

It wasn't the best idea of all, mainly because all that just irritated them even more and that accumulated fury would have to come out at some point and Hyunjin was aware that he would be fucked without mercy, with all the strength that the two had been saving up, but as long as he could, he would keep running. It didn't take a genius to conclude that Hyunjin was a first-rate masochist, he liked to provoke to the limit and that's exactly what he was doing, because that adrenaline feeling made him feel alive like never before.

Damn, when Jisung and Felix got their hands on him it would be so strong and intense and so fucking good, he could barely sleep without dreaming of those images, like his own subconscious was showing him his near future.

"You can't hide here forever, especially now that we'll be able to rest for the weekend." Jeongin pointed out, trying to bring some sense to his hyung's stubborn little head.

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