Dare to desire

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dare to desire

By: thusmidnight



jeongin finds something interesting in his biology textbook and decides to try it out on seungmin, his housemate who is definitely not as straight as he says he is.

seungmin likes to think he's the perverted nerd of the two.

       truthfully, he knows he reads a lot and he knows he likes romance novels, romance movies. of course, with those, comes a fair share of sex scenes. he thinks they’re over the top but…he can’t help but be a little interested regardless. he definitely can’t lie and say he doesn’t read pornographic content on occasion.

so in conclusion, he thinks he’s bad about it.

until today.

       the door of his bedroom flings open, scaring him half to death as his housemate comes barreling in holding a biology textbook. chances are, he’s studying for the lecture he has in about an hour or two and seriously, he loves jeongin but fuck, he really does know how to catch a guy off guard. jeongin flops onto his bed, clutching the book open to one page. seungmin glances down, seeing a vague diagram of two different bodies and- oh god , jeongin’s smirking. there’s no way he’s up to anything good.

       “take your shirt off,” jeongin says hurriedly. seungmin gapes, shuffling up from his elbows into a sitting position. “why?” he asks.

       jeongin sighs and sets the textbook down. “i want to touch your stomach,” he adds on- as if that makes the statement any better. seungmin merely blinks at him. “why the fuck would i let you do that?” he asks again, shaking his head. jeongin groans and slaps a hand on his forehead, then tugs the textbook over.

       “for class-” he points to the page. it’s a lot of writing, seungmin doesn’t really care for biology. “erogenous zones.”

“okay,” seungmin shrugs. “what are those?”

       jeongin scans his finger down the page and onto the diagram. “they’re parts of the body that, when touched, elicit sexual pleasure.” seungmin feels his face heat up at the words. “like-” he motions toward jeongin’s lap. “your dick?”

       “well…yes, but there’s other places not including the crotch or chest area.” seungmin almost wants to roll his eyes at how technical jeongin makes it all sound. sure, he’s a biology major, but does he have to make everything this scientific sounding? “including, but not limited to, the scalp, ears, inner wrists, armpit, lower abdomen, back of the knee-”

       “i’m sorry,” seungmin interrupts, laughing in disbelief. “i’m sorry, so, you’re asking me to…take my clothes off so you can- touch me?”

       jeongin seems to freeze at that. he opens his mouth a few times, struggling to come up with an explanation that makes sense. “well- i mean yes but no.”

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