Chapter 1: Hermes

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I had my eyes widened, my rabbit ears straightened up looking at the tall tower that was Babel. "Wow..."

Orario was gigantic. I was walking around looking at the stalls and multiple buildings, my eyes widened at how much they were selling there. Thousands of food, thousands of objects that I haven't seen before.

People who were walking in all directions, chattering, bustling streets. It was... I don't know. Amazing? I arrived here, yeah, the place that I have been dreaming to go, the place where I wanted to forge my legacy.

But the thought of being a hero right now. It felt so far away, it felt like it was impossible.

No, it is possible... just that.... I don't think I deserve to be the guy who always saves the day. I don't think I can face another man knowing that I killed thousands of people.

I walked slowly, my head on the ground while my rabbit ears were dropped. The chattering around me slowly got quiet. The noise slowly died down, that was until I bumped into someone.

The noises came back and I saw a man with golden blonde hair, he had a massive smile while holding out his hand. My rabbit ears straightened up as I grabbed his hand, "Sorry." I apologized.

The man raised his eyebrows. "Oh please, I was the one who didn't watch where they're going, don't apologize." He said. I grabbed his hand, and he slowly pulled me up. I dusted off my clothes and looked at him. "Are you new here?"

"Yes." I answered immediately and he smiled.

"You should probably go to the guild for more information. If you want to be an adventurer, then go there. If you need directions, go there. They basically have a massive control over Orario." The man said and I nodded while listening carefully.

"I see... Thank you..." I bowed down, and he smiled. He immediately swatted the air with his hand, as if he was rejecting my gratitude.

"It's simple information, really." He said. "Well, I still have to go to work, good luck kid!" The man said before running at full speed away. I watched as he ran away.

"Guild? Oh yeah, I think Kleu told me where it is." Kleu was a retired adventurer, she managed to reach level 3 before quitting and dipping out to the village.

She was part of the Loki familia, which, in the past... wasn't the prestigious familia that we know of.

Although I wonder, does the goddess Loki still remember Kleu? Maybe yes, familias are called familias for a reason.

I walked through hundreds of people. Making my way towards the guild, I looked around, and saw smiles. Which made me wonder, how many smiles have I stolen?

How many innocent lives have I taken?

How many families have I destroyed?

I made thousands of people cry. I can never forgive myself for it, but even so, I still wanted to believe that there was still a future for me.

Once more, the noise started to die around me, the chatters started to go silent, and only the feeling of the wind remained. I closed my eyes, my mind flashed to thousands of people dying to my hands, blood splattered everywhere.

I opened my eyes. The bright rays of the sun momentarily blinded me, the noises came back, the bustling streets filled with chattering was present.

And there, a lonely rabbit continued to stare at the ground with indifference.

I entered the guild's building with uneasiness and started to look around. Half of the people there were adventurers, and the other half were either foreigners or people who just work inside Orario.

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