Going Away Again

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~Colleen's POV~

It had been a couple of days since we moved into our apartment, and although it was nice to have a more personal place to be with Joshua, it was still very tiring!

We have been bringing furniture and other household items to our apartment, and I almost got no sleep! I would always have to stay up to edit videos and upload them.

I looked at the clock. It was 12:07 AM. I was sitting on our new couch with Josh, editing a Colleen's Corner video while watching a documentary on the TV. I yawned and laid my head on Josh's shoulder. I kept on having to have to wake myself back up just to finish editing.

"Baby, you look very tired. Just go to bed and finish editing tomorrow."

"Josh, I know what I'm doing...it's fine."

~Josh's POV~

Colleen laid her head back down onto my shoulder and fell asleep again. And this time, she didn't wake up and was fast asleep. I closed her laptop and placed it on the coffee table. I then picked up Colleen and brought her into our bedroom and placed her down on the bed. I was about to leave the room when Colleen grabbed my hand lightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The next morning, I woke up before Colleen. I didn't want to interrupt her peacefulness, so I got out of bed slowly and carefully. I went to the kitchen and made a breakfast of eggs and ham for both of us.

Half an hour later, Colleen woke up.

"Good morning sweetheart." I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Joshua." She smiled sweetly. "You made breakfast? It looks delicious!" I nodded and we both sat down and ate.

About two weeks ago, I had auditioned to join an Acapella group called The Cat's Pajamas. They had just sent me an email right the second that I went on the email app. I was accepted into the group.

"Hey Colleen, guess what!"

"What baby?"

"Remember the acapella group that was called The Cat's Pajamas that I auditioned for?"


~Colleen's POV~

I was nervous of what Josh was about to say. Although I would be happy if he made it into the group, I will definitely be devastated if he had to leave for their tour. The tour is a year long!

"Well they just emailed me and..."

"...and?" I was starting to sweat a slight bit.

"I'm officially a member of the group!"

"Oh my god! That's awesome, I'm so proud!" I went over and gave Josh a hug and a kiss. He was hugging me really tight and he kissed me back. It was a wonderful moment and I forgot all about Josh leaving for a year. It all came back to me when we stopped hugging though.

~Josh's POV~

Colleen's smile suddenly turned upside down. And I knew why. I hugged her again and kissed her head.

"I know, we have to be long distance for a year. But you know, maybe you could come with us."

"Babe, I don't want to. I always end up traveling around too much. Have you not seen how tired I have been lately from the Miranda shows?!" Her face started to redden slightly and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Besides, if I come with you, do you know how many family get-togethers I would miss? Josh, I can't come. I'm sorry."

By now, I was upset. I thought Colleen would agree with me and come on tour. But instead, she would rather stay in California. I realize that her points are true, but we've never been long distance before! I couldn't stand this anymore and I got up and stormed into our bedroom. I locked the door and sat on the bed, face in my hands.


Sorry I haven't been updating for the past couple of days! I've had a bunch of school things I needed to do :(

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