A New House

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~Colleen's POV~

"Hey Colleen, you know how families get bigger houses to live in instead of little apartments?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"When do you want to do that?" I didn't know what to say. Yes, of course I want to have a family with Josh! But I just didn't know when we should move out to an actual house.

"I...I don't know. But maybe a month or two before the wedding?"

"Well you know, we've been living in this little apartment for a couple of years now."

"I know, but we don't have children yet."

"That's why we get a house early so we can be prepared!" Josh seemed really excited about getting a new house. Like, REALLY excited! I mean, I guess we did need a new house at one point; all of our equipment and also gifts from fans were taking up a whole room in the apartment, which was the room with the wall full of Miranda drawings!

"I guess you have a point. What kind of house were you thinking of?"

"We could look at some and see if they fit both of our likings." I nodded and got up from the couch to film a Miranda video

~Josh's POV~

I'm glad that Colleen agrees with me on wanting a new house. I've actually been wanting one for quite some time, but there's been so much chaos that it would've been awkward to bring it up.

After five minutes, Colleen shut off her camera and came back out to the living room.

"I kind of want a cute little house with something like a white picket fence in the future." She sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That would be a sweet house, but I don't think we could find something like that right now."

"I know, it was just a thought." I opened up my laptop and searched up houses for sale in LA. Colleen and I spent the next hour looking for a house that fit both of our expectations.


Sorry this chapter was a bit boring! But I'll try to write something more interesting tomorrow ;)

You and I [Joshleen]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon