Getting Back at Bethany

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~Colleen's POV~

Josh was away grocery shopping for some kale, so I was alone at my parent's house. My mom was at Rachel's house and I decided to stay behind to do some work for my YouTube channel. And of course, dad was away in Korea. I suddenly realized that Josh had forgot to take his phone with him, so it was on the coffee table. I turned it on to the lock screen; there were twelve missed calls from the same number. It was Josh's ex. When is she going to give up? I am so pissed!

~Josh's POV~

I reached into my back pocket for my phone to call Colleen and ask her which brand of oil to buy, since there wasn't any left at her parents' house. But my pocket was empty. I guess I forgot it, and I knew exactly where I left it; the coffee table. I decided to just pick a random brand of oil that seemed good enough and I hurried back.

I arrived back at the house and went inside to see Colleen sleeping on the couch. Her laptop was open and was on the editing system was open. She must've fallen asleep when editing. Colleen didn't get much sleep last night because of all the drama, so I let her sleep and I finished editing for her. Afterwards, I went to the kitchen and made some kale chips (kale yeah!). The beeping must've woken up Colleen, because I she came into the kitchen when the kale chips were finished baking. She put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss.

"Hey baby. When did you come back from the grocery store?"

"Oh, just twenty minutes ago." I kissed her neck and twirled her hair around my finger. She gave me one last kiss on the cheek, then went back to the living room.

"So I see you finished editing my vlog?" She said.

"Mmhmm. I figured you would be too tired to finish." She nodded at me.

"You know...your ex called you at least twelve times when you were away..."

"I know, I just checked my phone..."

"Josh, we have to do something about this. Bethany is never going to stop!" I stopped what I was doing and thought about this for a moment. Colleen was right, we have to make a plan to get Bethany back. I especially still don't want to know what she meant by 'bloody revenge'.

I brought the bowl of kale chips to the couch, and Colleen and I made a plan to stop with Bethany trying to get me to be her boyfriend and break up with Colleen. Hopefully it will work.

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