Chapter 22

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A/N: A lot has happened in the past few months; been dealing with some existential crisis and a number of personal problems. No biggie. Don't wanna get into details but I'm getting a reality check and life sucks right now. I'm sorry for the long wait.

Trigger Warning!

This chapter contains troubling scenes like bullying, foul language, and a sequence that includes how I would imagine transpires during an anxiety attack. Please skip these parts if you are uncomfortable of the aforementioned events. Remember to practice self-care.


Seungyeon drove both of them to Motgol Market.

"Have you eaten breakfast already?" Jeongyeon asked, her eyes trained on her phone as she created a checklist for all the things she needs to buy.

"Nope," Seungyeon said.

"You want to get some food first?"

"I'm not hungry yet. I'll just wait until lunch time."

Jeongyeon nodded in understanding. Seungyeon parked her car in a crowded lot, it was a miracle they were able to find an available spot. While Seungyeon backed into the spot, Jeongyeon wore her bucket hat with the brim low enough to cover her eyes, a black mask, and a pair of round glasses. Seungyeon herself wore a baseball cap and her white mask with the straps attached to her ears but the mask was pulled down her chin.

"I'm heading straight to the meat shop, you go buy the vegetables and sauces listed here. We'll meet up here when we're done buying everything and then we can grab lunch," Jeongyeon said to her sister, handing her a piece of paper and a wad of paper bills. She exited the car without waiting for her sister and entered the market.

While she gave the task for Seungyeon to go buys veggies and sauces, Jeongyeon set out to buy the meat she's going to grill and a couple of beers and softdrinks for Im Seoyeon as she's underage and for Mina who could opt out of drinking alcohol since she was allergic to it. She still drinks but just in case she didn't want to, the softdrinks would be available for her.

She had arrived at the butcher's shop in a few minutes and found a line there. There were about twelve other people in the store and only one worker to attend to all of them so she assumes she would have to wait in line for the worker to cater to her. She wasn't in a particular hurry anyway and she can get the beers anytime so she had no problem with waiting. While she waits, she decided to check on the group chat with her members to see if they got her reminder.

She was about to open the app but thought better of it. She can check on them again in a later time, she didn't want to seem too nagging.

As soon as the thought came to mind, she had to pause. Since when did she care if she nagged at her members? The girls have all become responsible of their own possessions since they've began to live in separate dorms and clean up after themselves now but when they were still living in one dorm, Jeongyeon had to basically force them to clean or else their dorm would've looked like a pigsty. She was aware she could be annoying at times (especially when she cleans while they are eating) but it was for their own good so it's not like she was nagging just for the sake of it.

She opened the app and saw only Tzuyu (who replied with a thumbs up emoji) and Nayeon have seen her message. When she saw Nayeon's name, she wondered how the older girl was doing. She was up relatively early and Jeongyeon allowed herself to think for a second that her absence was what caused Nayeon to wake up earlier than she usually does. She reminded herself to apologize for leaving without bidding goodbye to Nayeon.

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