Chapter 8 §

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The hospital kept me overnight for observation. The entire time, I was bored out of my mind. Every time the doctor-I learned his name was Dr. Jones-came in to check on me, I would ask when I could leave.

Dr. Jones would just chuckle and say, "Soon." Zach and Carson spent the night, too. They never left my side-with the exception of Zach going home to grab some clothes, of course. Now, if I'm seventeen and bored out of my mind, how do you think my 10-year old brother did? He tapped his foot the whole time, talking non-stop, until a nurse threatened sedate him.

Finally, at around noon, I was released from the hospital. I felt so much better by then, and we all had so much contained energy, Carson and I raced to the car. Zach, of course, protested, saying I should take it easy for a while. I just threw my bag at him and took off after my little brother. "Wait up!" I called.

Carson won, much to his satisfaction. He and I took deep gulps of air-well, I did, Carson seemed unfazed-while Zach trailed behind, taking his time. "Zach! Can you go any slower?" Carson yelled. Something like mischief flashed in Zach's eyes, and he walked even slower.

"Why yes I can," he challenged, grinning. Carson groaned. "Come on, Zach!" Zach slowed down even more. Carson looked at me with annoyance. "Your boyfriend is getting on my nerves," he said, folding his arms. I laughed.

He stormed off to Zach and grabbed his arm, pulling him as hard as he could. Zach didn't budge. "Mak! Help me!" Carson whined, still tugging on Zach's arm. I laughed again, and ran over.

It was a slow process, but we finally managed to get Zach to the car. "You know, for a girl who judo flipped me at age 16, it sure takes a lot to drag me ten feet," he laughed. I struggled to keep my face straight. "Oh, shut up." I finally laughed, remembering last year when my stupid reflexes took over.


Age 16
Snap. "Gah!" I jumped, looking down at the offending stick that for some reason scared me half to death. My hand immediately flew to my chest in an unsuccessful attempt to calm my racing heart.

I was in the woods, taking a short cut home because I was late and had to pick Carson up. I don't know why I was so jumpy, but every little thing (like a stick) seemed to scare me.

"Hey Mak!" I heard a boy call suddenly. It sounded as if it came from right behind me. I whirled around and found someone grinning about three inches away from me. "Boo!" he teased. I grabbed his wrist without thinking and flipped him. He landed on his back with a groan.

I was about to run when I recognized him. "Zach!" I exclaimed, leaning down to see if he was okay. "Oh! Oh, Zach I'm sorry!" Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Zach groaned again, and-to my great surprise-he chuckled. "Dang, Mak, remind me not to get on your bad side." I laughed darkly. "Ugh." He sat up slowly, still laughing.

He smiled at me. "Hey, at least I know my girl can keep herself safe."


Zach insisted on driving, and I eventually gave in, knowing it was useless to argue. Carson sat in the back, chattering the whole way home.

The house was quiet, and all the lights were on. "Really, Zach? You left all the lights on?" I complained. Zach shook his head and muttered, " You almost died, and you're worried about the lights?"

I glared at him until he held up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry for leaving the lights on while my fiancé lay passed out and bleeding by the door." Then he tensed, glancing down at my brother. Fortunately, Carson didn't seem to be paying attention to us; he was too busy plundering through the kitchen for a snack.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "We have to tell him sometime," Zach whispered. I groaned quietly. "He should know," Zach insisted. "We don't even have to run away." That was true. My mother was gone; there was no sense in running away anymore. Carson wouldn't want to leave, so I don't think he would be upset about our engagement as long as we stayed here. He liked Zach. I think.

Right on cue, Zach snorted. "It's not like he doesn't like me."

"That's true. . . ." I allowed. "I will tell him, just not now." Zach pulled me to his chest. "Now is as good a time as any," he mumbled into my hair. I bit my lip.

I wanted to answer, but I couldn't think of anything to say. So I just nodded into his chest.

Zach gently pulled me off of him, holding me at arms' length. "Mak, your lip's bleeding." He looked almost amused."Dang it," I muttered, touching my finger to my bottom lip.

"Why are you so nervous?" Zach asked. Why wasn't I nervous?

"Maybe he doesn't want a brother-in-law. Maybe he doesn't want me to get married. Maybe-"

"Mak, stop. He will be happy. You're just being paranoid."

"Am I?"

"You always are." I rolled my eyes. "Mak, stop," Zach demanded. I looked up at him, confused. And then I tasted the blood. "Oh."

As I fought the urge to gag because of the metallic taste, Zach chuckled softly, gently wiping away the blood with a napkin. "You are so paranoid," he muttered. "Am not," I argued, frustrated. He rolled his eyes. "Let's just tell him," he insisted. "Okay, okay, I'm going!"

"Carson! Can you come here for a second?" I called, sitting on the couch. Zach put his arm around me comfortingly. "Sure," Carson answered. I heard his footsteps as he entered the living room, and I started bouncing my leg up and down nervously.

Carson sat between us and eyed me curiously. "What's going on?" Words failed me. What could I say? Luckily, Zach spoke up. "Carson, what would you think if-if your sister and I got married?" Carson stared at Zach for a while, and then at me. "You're getting married?"

I nodded. Carson's reaction took me by surprise. "Cool! Am I going to walk you down the aisle? Or am I going to be best man?"

My eyes widened. Zach smirked at me over Carson's head. Suddenly, I giggled. I don't know why, but suddenly I couldn't stop. Maybe I was just giddy with relief. Maybe it was Carson's contagious glee. Maybe I was just laughing at myself for overreacting.

Finally, I calmed down and hugged Carson. "Whatever you want." I could feel a smile spread across his face as he thought through his options.

Then he pulled away. "Right now I want a snack." With that, he got up and retreated to the kitchen.

Zach was still smirking at me. "Say it."

"Say what?"

"You know what."

I rolled my eyes and huffed dramatically. "You were right, Zach."

So sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've had a very busy summer! Okay so I'm trying to decide on the title I wanted to do something more than 'Haunted' because there's a lot of books with that title. I was thinking of 'Forever Haunted' or something, I don't know. If you have a suggestion, I'd be more than happy to hear it, so feel free to comment or private message me! Anyways, did you like the chapter? Are you liking the book? If so, don't forget to vote and comment! 💜

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