First Day at UA and Go Plus Ultra!

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Narrator's POV:

Midoriya's residence:

After the UA Entrance Exam, both Izumi and Beyta got an acceptance letter from All Might saying that they both have passed the exam and was welcome to UA High School. This was their moment of becoming a Hero that they always wanted to be.

Inko: I hope you two got everything you needed for your first day.

Izumi: I'm pretty sure we already have everything we needed mom.

Beyta: Inko, stop worrying too much. We got everything we need for UA so don't worry; we'll be fine. *Started to walk to the front door to go outside, opening the front and hold it for Izumi*

Inko: But just in case if you need anything...

Beyta & Inko: Let me know.

Beyta: I got it Inko, but thanks let's go Zumi.

Izumi: Ok. Bye, mom. *Running to get outside the front*

Inko: Goodbye, my baby.

Beyta: See ya, Ms. Midoriya.

Inko: Goodbye, Beyta.

After their goodbyes, Beyta went outside and saw Deku going to UA.

Beyta: UA, here we come!!

As Beyta said, he began to sprint after Izumi to UA for a couple of minutes to get ready for their first day at their dream school. This is the beginning of our next generation heroes.

UA High, hallway:

Beyta and Izumi have finally made it at UA High, a school where you can become a Hero. But the problem is we were trying to look for our classroom.

Izumi: *Running through the hallway* 1-A, 1-A, 1-A... Come on where is it?

Beyta: *Following Izumi by speed walking* This is getting ridiculous. Why didn't announce the students to go to their classrooms at the first day or give them a piece of paper that shows what classroom they are in?

After that we saw a huge door with 1-A on it.

(Imagine Midoriya is a girl and Beyta is next to her)

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(Imagine Midoriya is a girl and Beyta is next to her)

Beyta: So, this is Class 1-A, huh?

Izumi: Whoa! This door is huge! Are they any giants in there?

Beyta: How did someone make a door so big? Welp let's not waste time and get in for our First day.

But before Beyta was about to open the door, he noticed that Izumi was shaking nervously.

Izumi: *Thinks of Bakugou and the blue haired kid* (I just hope those two aren't in my class.)

Beyta: Hey!

As Beyta yelled, Izumi got snapped back into reality.

Beyta: I know what you're thinking, Zumi. Don't worry, I'm sure they won't be in the same class as us. *Smiles at her* Besides once we get in there, people will recognize us at the Entrance Exam.

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