𝓐𝓽 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵

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Like any other high-school emo kid, I would just be silent. Sometimes if the nice kids decide to have a proper conversation with me or sit with me at lunch, I would have company. On the other days, I would be all alone. 

See, I am not a big fan of school honestly. When mom was around I was at the top of my class. I was an excellent and bright student when she was around. I guess it was better that there was someone to take care of all the expenses and things. 

Losing my mom has impacted my life the most. I sometimes feel like why did she leave me alone with this monster?! why did she even trust my aunt so much? Like once when I was 14 I went on without food for 2 days straight because my aunt had a new boyfriend and she was staying with him and didn't want him to think that she had kids. 

Anyways where was I? Oh yes, school!

So, as I was saying, I am not a big fan of school, but many things make school less miserable. 

I remember this incident today at school, it became so popular that people even started forming conspiracies about it. So, there is this girl named Sarah Woods at my school. She is a popular girl and also a great student. She is on the cheer team and as I am saying this I know you must have formed an image of someone like Regina George or someone from the stereotypical popular girl but do not forget she is an "excellent" student. So back to the story, as a popular girl you are supposed to date popular guys or the jocks or whatever but not the nerds right? so, news came around saying that Sarah Woods is dating the captain of the basketball team...sounds normal when it is incomplete but...SHE IS DATING THE CAPTAIN OF THE BASKETBALL TEAM OF OUR RIVAL SCHOOL. This news shook all of us. Thank god our teachers or anyone from the teaching staff didn't find out. Sarah would have been done for real. 

See, that's the kind of gossip I like to go to school for. 

I hate school these days. Firstly I go to sleep at 12:00 am and then wake up at 6:00 am to get ready for school. *deep breathe* Yeah my life is fine. So, today something happened to me at school and I still cannot forget it. 

So, after the Alicia Woods gossip was over till recess. I was walking to class when I heard yelling and beating nearby. I went to see what was happening and guess who I saw-

It was Damien. He was beating two kids in the first-floor lobby. I was too frightened to even approach him. I tapped lightly on his shoulder. He looked back and stared into my eyes and time just stopped for a solid minute. 

"What are you doing here Lavinia?" he asked with a serious voice 

"I study here, and I shall be asking you that you know. What are you doing here and why are you beating these kids?" I asked back 

"Oh, just give me a break it's none of your business." He said. 

His voice sounded very angry but at the same time, it felt like he was in pain. 

I thought and remembered about his brother. Those two boys were his bullies. I tried to control Damien and told him to calm down. It was hard for me to control him because he was very strong and heavy. I knew I was getting late to class but I still managed to get him off and asked him whats up and how is he in my school? 

He looked down, held his neck and then replied- "I know it is weird seeing me, I was searching for my brother's bullies the whole day you know..." 

"I understand but, you shouldn't have done that at least in school premises. You should have beaten them outside." I said. 

"No time to joke Lavinia." He replied

"I know...but, don't hurt them I am sure that they might file some complain if their parents are like someone else's," I replied
He nods and leaves for class.
Well, I guess I skipped English class today but eh who cares?

I returned back home and follow my daily routine
and if you are wondering what it is then here- 

1. get home 
2. cook for my aunt 
3. get ready to go to my job 
4. go to my job
and more. Not gonna reveal it all. 

I think I shall think once more about Damien again.
I'll see about it later.

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