3. The Wonderful Journey

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Mpreg, sorry I know a lot of people don't like it and I am not A HUGE fan but sometimes I just like baby okay? It won't happen a lot.

Billy walked into the house after a long day at work, he looked over to see his husband Steve with sleeping on the loveseat with his yellow sweater on. His hair a mess on his head.

Billy frowned, there was no food on the table and the house wasn't clean. He furrowed his brows and walked over to Steve shaking him awake. Steve's pretty green eyes cracked open and he gave a soft smile to the one he called his own. But the softness wasn't reciprocated.

"The house is a mess what could you possibly do to make it this way when you're sitting on your ass all day!?" Billy yelled. Steve frowned, he didn't respond he just curled into a tight ball looking at Billy. "What? Can't respond? I have been working long and hard all day long and I don't even get food on the table! I do the same for you when it's your work days!" Billy screamed. Steve flinched, "I, I'm sorry, Billy, I didn't... I mean I..." Steve couldn't find the words to words to answer so he just wrapped his arms around his stomach, tucked his legs up to chin, and hid his face.

Billy rolled his eyes no more words said between them as he made his way to the kitchen to make himself a frozen meal. As he was closing the oven he saw a paper sitting on the counter. He picked it up and read it.

Dear, Steve Hargrove.
The test results have come in, you're about four months pregnant and will be having a beautiful baby girl.

The letter went on to tell the foods that Steve should eat, what is safe for the baby and what isn't, and how much work he should be doing while pregnant.

Billy peaked into the living room where Steve was still on the couch running his delicate fingers over his stomach. Sighing Billy went to the couch and kneeled beside his husband.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked tilting his head. "I thought you would be mad and make me get rid of her," Steve said softly as tears filled his eyes. "I'm not mad, sweetheart," Billy said placing his hand on Steve's stomach rubbing up and down. "You're going to be a good dad," Steve said. "I hope so, I'm gonna be so much better than Neil, I'm never gonna hurt her or you in anyway," Billy said burying his face in Steve's neck. "I know you won't, Billy, I know you won't!" Steve said hugging his husband.

Their wonderful journey was about to begin.

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