Chapter 18 - New commander and family addition

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Well that was fun. Didn't know that I still had it in me to drink that much. To be honest I'm a little disappointed. I expected more from their alcohol but let's be honest after I drank the wine from the distillery almost nothing can make me drunk.

Erina: So what do you plan to do now?

I looked to the side and saw Erina sit down on a seat next to me.

Y/N: Don't know. I'll let the girls have their fun then go back to the base.

Erina: Then you should head right now because I got a call from the Admiral himself that he's at your base.

Y/N: Oh fuck! Tell the girls I'll be back later.

Erina: Okay.

Then I ran out of the bar and headed straight to the docks. While running I also spotted the queen and her servants at the Cafe. Wait the queen!? I'll need to tell this to Charles. As I got to the water I immediately activated the rigging and with the boosting I went back to the base. Upon getting close I saw a huge man standing at the docks talking to Charles and Gray? Did something happened I don't know about? With the last boost I landed behind the man and saluted.

Y/N: Commander Y/N reporting for duty sir!

The man turned around and holy shit he's even taller up close.

Admiral: They weren't lying when telling that you'll get here fast. I'm Admiral Edward Newgate.

Y/N: *stops saluting* Nice to meet you sir

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Y/N: *stops saluting* Nice to meet you sir. What brings you here today?

Edward: I brought sad news. We have found a new female commander for Sakura Empire and she'll be replacing you from this day.

Y/N: Oh.

Edward: Don't be sad. I tried to show them that you are doing a great job but alas I was still out voted and the new commander was chosen.

Y/N: That's okay. I only hope that the girls will be in good care.

Edward: Indeed. I would also like to thank you for saving Amagi. I've seen her grow up and she's like a daughter to me.

Y/N: No problem sir. I couldn't let die.

Edward: I also know what happened between you and Musashi and Shinano. And no I'm not angry. I understand the circumstances and I only ask for you to take responsibility.

Y/N: I'm planning and will do so sir.

Edward: Good. Not let's head to the infirmary first. Then to your former office.

Y/N: Understood. Just give me a minute.

Edward: Of course.

I walked over to Charles and Gray and told them to ask one of the girls to get then to Iron Blood base and that the queen and the servants were there as well as the others. They nodded and walked away while I joined the Admiral and we went to the infirmary. Upon arriving and walking in, and I have no idea how he walked in, we saw Musashi and Shinano on the beds and their bellies looked 9 month pregnant. I'm pretty sure that's not how that works. Then two nurses put 2 wisdom cubes on their stomachs and they started to glow. When the glow ended they were holding 2 sleeping little girls in their hands. Is that how the shipgirls give birth? I should have guessed. (The only one I could find for Shinano, for Musashi I've seen 3)

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