Chapter One

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Standing in the shadows of the halls, Vissera could here her mothers cries, all though being almost 10 and 1, the young girls mother refused to allow her into the birthing chambers. While everyone thought this was a good idea little Vissera did not agree thinking her mother was in danger and wanted to be by her side.

It got to the point where the younger princess has to get escorted out of the room by her Septer. Being the Princess Rhaenyra's only daughter she has always had a amazing relationship with her mother, and hearing the stories of how her grandmother Aemma had passed during child birth Vissera was terrified that her mother might fall the same fate.

"Mother will be fine era I promise you" jace says to his sister trying to calm her down. "But what if she isn't you have heard the stories" Vissera says while pacing around her shared bedchamber. "Mother has done this three times now and has came out better than ever" Jace says while giving his younger sister a small smile. "I know I just hate it" Vissera says looking down at the book she had picked up.

Some time later her father ( who's not really her father) came walking in, all three little heads snapped towards the door. "It's a boy both your mother and the babe are fine, but the queen wanted to see the babe for herself" Lenore says while picking up his only daughter. "Mother are you okay you should be resting" Vissera says with a serious look which in turn just made her mother laugh a little as no matter how hard the young princess tried she could never look intimidating. "I'm fine my little dragon, now you three should be off to your dragon lessons" Rhaenyra says with a stern look.
All three children nod and give there mother and father a kiss on the cheek and all ran off to there lessons.

Vissera loved dragon lessons as she got to see Silver-wing. "So you three finally decided to show up" aegon says with a smirk. Vissera just rolled her eyes and stood with her brothers it was haves turn to bond with his dragon vermax. He did a amazing job and is always excited to say the words "drecaryes".

After the lesson all five children were standing around when Aegon turn to his only brother "Aemond we have a suprise for you" he says with something off in his voice, Vissera did not like how it sounded. "You do?" The blonde prince says. "Yes seeing as you are the only one with out a dragon we have found you one" Jace added. "Really, how" Aemond says full of hope. "The gods provide little brother" Aegon says while like walked back up from where the dragons are kept with a pig with wings "behold pink dread becareful the first ride is always rough" the thre boys laugh as they walk away. "How could you three do yous not have any shame" Vissera says angry that her brothers were in on this she expected it from her uncle but not her brothers. "Era it was just a joke calm down" Luke says still laughing his ass off as they left the dragon pit. "Don't mind them Aemond you will have a dragon and they will be magnificent" Vissera says trying to help the young boy smile. Sadly this doesn't work instead Aemond became angry at her. "You have no idea what it's like, your dragon came to you the day you were born and then there have had there own dragon eggs hatch for them leave me be please" he says angrily and pushes Vissera away.

Stomping away the young princess ran to find her good friend and only auntie Haelana, she was in her chambers with her mother. The queen never minded the young princess as she looked like she's a Targaryen and veleryan. "Good morning your grace" Vissera says with a small bow. "Nonsense era please call me grandmother you know your my favourite" Alicent says with a smile. Vissera nodded and walked over to her auntie and started talking about the creatures that where out.  Suddenly Aemond came in with the guard  "what have you been doing." Alicent says while grabbing the boys face. "he's done it again." Halaena says, "how many times have I told you to leave them beasts alone." His mother says sturnley. "they gave me a pig!" The young boy says with tears in his eyes. "A what?" The queen asks as if she misheard him. "They said that they found a dragon for me then brought out a pig and Called it pink dread and said be careful the first ride is always rough." Aemond says getting angrier by the second.

Alicents glance softens seeing the pain her youngest child is in, "you will have a dragon some day Aemond I swear to you" she says softly touching his cheek. "He'll have to close an eye" Haelana whispers not taking her eyes of the spider in her hands. Vissera looks at her aunt with a wondering look but chose not to say anything due to how reserved her aunt is towards her gift.

Alicent turned to Vissera "now little one go to your mother, I believe she was needing you." She says with a soft smile. Nodding the little princess bidded her family a farewell and ran off with her guard following close behind.

I hope you all will enjoy this story, I've had this idea for a little while and I have finally decided to get it out of my head. This story will include mature content a little incest but it's what this show is about. Also can we agree that Aemond is a god 🥰

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