Chapter two

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Vissera has always enjoyed watching her brothers learn how to use a sword, she had some how managed to confince her grandsire to allowe her to do her high velaeian lessons on the balcony of the training ground while Jace and luke trained. The king agreed to this on the condition that while up there she could only speaks high veleryan to him.
"Grandsire do you believe that I'm destined to be a worrier like my brothers" Vissera asked her grandsire. Looking down at the young girl he replied "you my little dragon are destined for greatness you will be the best dragon rider and common folk will be telling stories and singing songs of your life"

Hearing this the Vissera smiled knowing her life will not be one of boredom. Looking back on the training ground she sees ser Christon Cole arguing with ser Hardwin Strong. "The attention you give the princes see to be if one you'd give to a cousin... or a brother... or a Son" Christon spat this is all it too for ser String to attack. King viseryes ordered his granddaughter to be taken to her mothers chambers and this was not something a young girl should see.

"Mother, mother Serstronggitintoafightwithchrispenandimscsredhemightdie" the young girl rushed out when she arrived at her mothers chambers. "Little dragon slow down I could not understand your words" Rhyaera says trying to make sense of her daughter's outburst.
"Ser Christon said something to Ser Strong which he did not like and started fighting, grandsire got me away before I knew what happened. I'm scared he may be dead mother" Vissera says crying into her mothers shoulder.

Seeing how upset her daughter was she could help but hold her close to her chest, she may be growing up but the older princess knew no matter what she would always need her mother and Rhynaera would always be there for her only daughter.
Not long after Vissera had fallen asleep in her mothers arms due to crying so hard, Jace and Luke got brought in infront of
Ser Strong he was being sent off back to his bike with his father.
He said goodbye to her three sons not knowing when he will be back. He looked up to you small girl in her mothers arms and tried not to cry, she may not have been his but he loved her just as much. He was kind of glad she was asleep as saying goodbye to her would have been the hardest of all.

It has been three weeks since ser strong left and two weeks since Vissera and her family moved to dragonstone. Her mother says it's because the castle is hers by birthright but Vissera wasn't a idiot and knew people kept talking about her brothers being basterds.

Now they are on there way to driftmark, her aunt sadly passed away so they had to leave the comfort of dragon stone for a short time.
The funeral was a bore the only interesting thing to happen was Daemon laughing at verrnon for some remarks he made about Rhaenyra and her children, but deep down Daemon couldn't stop starring at the young girl who gripped onto his true love as if, if she let go she would leave forever.

Vissera ran to her grandfather who was talking to a man she assumed was her uncle Daemon. "Hello grandsire, it's so good to see you again though I did hope it be under better circumstances."  Visseras fluent high valerian on display. " "my beautiful granddaughter, I did as well little dragon, have you met your uncle Daemon yet?" Vissera shook her head. "Hello I'm princess vissera aemma rhynes Targeryan first of her name" the young princess exclaimed while politely curtsying. "How formal little one. Targeryan yet you called the king grandsire and I do not believe any of my brothers other children are old enough to have children?" "Yea you heard correctly I am the daughter of Princess Rhaenyra grandsire declared me a Targeryan from my birth as my dragon silverwing came to me the day I was born I didn't claim her she claimed me".

This shocked Daemon he wondered why Rhaenyra never told him if the birth of a daughter he knew of her sons but only believed she has the three young boys. He wanted nothing more then to get to speak to his love but knows not what he was going to ask her he knew deep down that this little girl is is blood but he wanted to be sure and it doesn't seem that Vissera knew herself.

"Vissera go with your brothers to bed my little dragon it has been a long day and you look like you will pass out any moment" Rhaenyra exclaimed pointing her only daughter to the direction of her two brothers and the nanny's "fine mother, but I do not feel the slightest bit tired" Vissera tried to say but ended up yawning halfway through. This made everyone giggle and Vissera tan off giggling of embarrassment.

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