never again

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it took me 46 days to realize i was falling in love with you.
46 days to start falling and to crash.
46 days to know you'd never feel the same.
46 days to see you're the person i want.
i never understood to the whole falling part.
to me falling meant never getting back up, but i feel myself standing taller than i ever did.
can you honestly blame me for loving your sweet words? the way you let the letters dance across your tongue in to my misguided mind.
it wasn't about your looks. it was about your words and actions. your gentle touches and heavy stares. it was for the smile i hoped i only got to see.
for the kisses you steal in your backseat, and the ghost of your lips on my neck.
usually i knew i loved someone after a few days. they were usually friends or family.
but you, you came through and turned my world upside down.
you plowed through my ever so guarded heart and brought warmth to the coldest parts of me.
i have never felt so alive.

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