🥀As If It was my Last, but Who Knew it was my Start🥀

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Author POV

Y/N was happy now coz her positive thoughts made her happy and was ready to go to America. Jimin was happy with Samantha, because his dad agreed with their marriage. Y/N was at airport with her family and friends


I know that one day I will be the best pearent to my child. I was lost in my thoughts, that I didn't even know that my dad was calling me

Y/N Dad- dear where are you lost?
Y/N- oh nothing dad
Y/N mom- my child take care of yourself and your baby
Y/N- yes mom
Taehyung- oh yes and Y/N we, I mean jennie me and all of our friends have decided to give this gift to you
Y/N- what is it??
Jennie- open it and see
Y/N- ok

You opened the box and saw a cup where there is a picture of you and your group on graduation ceremony. Suddenly the happy yet sad tears came out of your hazel brown eyes.

Y/N- jen- jennie this is really cute I'm in love with it
You said while your tears coming out. You taehyung and Jennie were crying hard, because what if you all don't meet again.
Then the announcement for your flight was done

*Flight for America is going to leave in 30 minutes*

Y/N- Let's go

Now it was a time for you to leave
Your heart was getting heavier every second, thinking of going abroad was really difficult for you and In other condition you are pregnant
While saying good bye to you your dad told you something

Y/N Dad- My dear daughter this is the Key of my friends House where you have to live.
Perhaps his son must be there So if you need anything, You can tell him. Ok
Y/N- oh Really Dad! It's good to hear that there is someone with me who can be my friend. By the way Does he lives there??
Y/N Dad- no dear, he is also having his flight within two days
Y/N- ok dad
Y/N Dad- yes dear, now go and have a safe flight.
Y/N mom- My dear take care of yourself and call me every day, hmm.
Y/N- yes Mom I will

Suddenly Taehyung and Jennie hugged you and you all started crying again. The bond between you three was infinity.

Taehyung- Let's meet once again
Jennie- yes now it's your flight, you should go and take care of yourself,hmm. Jennie said while wiping her tears
Y/N- byeee
You said while getting more sad

You entered your flight.
You were searching for your seat and saw
A boy perhaps same as your age, was sitting on your seat.
Tall, handsome, messy hair, headphones on his ears, lovely
You were calling him
Y/N- uhmm....uhmm....Mr...

Who is this boy, sitting on my seat?? Let me tell him it's my seat

Y/N- uhmm....uhmm....Mr...

Still not listening. I should remove his headphones, wait that'll be rude I'll sit beside his seat.

You sat as you thought and looked at him with a smile, indeed like a dumb hooman

??? POV
Hmmm the song is really good. Wow BTS songs are so healing, I'm up there in heaven. Wait- I gues someone is looking at me.
I shifted my gaze to the left side.
Why is this beautiful woman looking at me, am I that handsome? Wait let me ask her

I look my headphones and asked her

???- Beautiful woman, what's with you?? He asked you politely
Y/N- Mr. You are sitting on my Seat, please check your seat number. You said innocently
???- wait this is my seat, seat number 236
Y/N- This is seat number 235, and this is my seat. Perhaps the seat behind me is window seat 236 so that must be yours.
???- Omg thanks and sorry for wasting your time, Beautiful.
Y/N- yeah it's ok, let's exchange the seats
???- Yes
With that you both exchange your seats.
After a while a Man came and sat beside you.
You got kinda irritated because the man beside you was looking at you like a pervert
???- well miss beautiful-
Y/N- why are you calling me beautiful?? I have name
???- oh- I- let me complete tho
Y/N- what is it
???- What's your name?? Well if you don't want to tell me it's ok.
Y/N- oh sorry. Hi myself Y/N, Hwang Y/N
???- oh nice to meet you miss Hwang. Its that ok?
Y/N- hahahah yeah it's ok. By the way tell me your name.
???- oh yeah my name is Jung Hoseok
Y/N- oh hello Mr. Jung. You said in an accent
Hoseok- hahaha that's funny
Y/N- yeah kinda

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