01 - Moving in

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(Kan POV)

It was almost night I just left the hospital, a tear leaving my eye as I walk away from it
the doctors said there might be a small chance, my father could survive
I decided it would be good to try and move on and live alone, but moving on from loved ones isn't easy

I decided to not go home, phone in hand I thought of what I could do but I have no one but black, after a few minutes of decided I'll call black


"Hey black" I quickly answered
". . . Why did you call?" he questioned I laughed a bit
" just wanted to ask if I can come over for a bit"

"Yeah, whatever. you know where my spare key is, just go in and I'll come soon" he hung up

I put my phone into my pocket and started to walk to his apartment which wasn't super far away, walking this late at night is dangerous but I didn't care much, I could have taken my car but it was at home and walking was better for me, just to get some fresh air after all the stuff that happened

Timeskip (to when he arrived at blacks place)

I was outside of black's apartment building and took a deep breath before walking in and going up to his door, I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I took the spare key


The door unlocked and I went inside, his place wasn't messy but it wasn't the organized type of clean either, I placed my stuff on the floor near the bed and sat down

I don't think he will come home that fast so I decided to take a nap, I'm sure he won't mind

A bit later ('black' POV)

I just got done with a mission and remembered to go home so kan doesn't whine to me about not hanging out after I agreed

I went on my motorbike and drove to my apartment quickly

Once he arrives
I opened my door and saw kan sleeping on my bed, I decided to get a drink before waking him up so I went to my fridge and took some soda
And walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down

I put my drink down on my nightstand and turn around, just to be met by a half-awake kan
"I guess I didn't need to wake you up after all," I said
"Shut up" he got up and fixed his hair before quickly checking his phone
"Black" I looked up at him "what"

(Kan POV)
"Can I get a hug from you?" I asked jokingly and smirked at him, black seemed to have not liked that
"Sure" he got up and came to me, that definitely doesn't sound like I'm getting a hug
He is now In front of me and I backed away "okay you know maybe I don't need a hug" I laughed nervously "why not?" He asked
"I'm not stupid I know I'm not getting a hug anyway" I roll my eyes
"Glad we have that clear" I chuckled a bit at his response

"Black what do you even do all day?" I questioned the older one, only to earn a serious look from him " you haven't been to class so just wondering" it went silent for a second

"I didn't feel like going to class, that's all" he responded and I nod "alright"

Ring.. Ring..
"Hello, black we need some help come quickly"
"can't it wait a bit?" black asked the person
"No come now" I heard from his phone

"Kan this is urgent I have to go," he told me while getting his jacket "please lock the door and put the spare key in the same place as always before you go" I nodded "alright, bye"

Did I ever mention He never has time, maybe it would be better if I left him alone

So I did so, I left black alone

In the short span of a week I decided to go have some fighting and shooting lessons, it was pretty fun but I was still bad at shooting so I decided to give up and focus on fighting...

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That's all for chapter 1! (pretty short but dw i'll try to do more soon"
Words: 711

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