A Honkai Halloween

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The day was October 31st, 2024 - 7 P.m Operation: Trick or Treat.

Kiana came bursting out of her and Mei's bedroom
In her cat inspired costume with her hands high in the air and ran downstairsto the kitchen where Mei was, she couldn't look any happier.
"Nyaa I am here!" Kiana yelled.
"Hahaha Kiana your like 26 years old and your still so excited for Halloween"
Mei said.
"Excume me Ma'am I am 24 thank you very much"
Kiana protested.
"Ma'am? I could get used to you calling me that" Mei said with a smirk on her face and walked over to Kiana.
"Oh but doesn't that make you sound old?" Kiana teased.
"Oh You!" Mei said and went to grab Kiana, but the cat girl was too quick for her.
"Wha am I too fast for the Herrscher of thunder?" Kiana said and stuck her tounge out at Mei.
"Are You trying to challenge me?" Mei said.
"What's the point of a challenge if I know I would win?" Kiana asked. She wrapped her arms around Mei's waist from behind.
"What are you doing?" Mei asked.
"Am I not allowed to touch my girlfriend?" Kiana asked.
"Wha- no that's not what I meant, I asked what your doing cause it seems to me like your trying to suck up to me now" Mei said.
"I'd love to suck on something up here" Kiana mumbled under her breath.
"What was that you just said?" Mei asked.
"Uhm nothing!" Kiana said.
The white haired woman went to grab Mei's boobs.
"AHEM!" Veliona walked into the room at an odd time.
Kiana immediately moved her hands away and let go of Mei.
"You saw nothing!" Kiana Exclaimed.
"No I definitely saw you just try to grab your girlfriends boobs in the middle of the dorm kitchen" Veliona said.
"Kiana!" Mei said and covered her chest.
"She's lying" Kiana protested.
"You can think that if you want but I know what I saw" Veliona said.
"By the way, why are you out tonight?" Mei asked.
"Oh right uhm Bronya wanted Seele to go trick or treating with her
And uhmm well seele gave me control because as you can see I kinda already got the Halloween aesthetic going on whenever I take control with the red eyes, the chains hands and all that" Veliona said.
"Yeah you kinda do, and it looks even cooler since you've grown a considerable amount although...." Kiana looked at Veliona intensely.
"What, is there an issue?" Veliona asked.
"The outfit that comes when you take control makes your boobs very uhm....visible, not that they weren't before....but uhm I don't know if you should be around kids with that on" Kiana said.
"Well look at your girlfriend's costume, my boobs may be big now but your girlfriends are so much bigger its ridiculous" Veliona said.
"What? She isn't wearing a costu-" Kiana said.
"Yes she is" Veliona said.
"WHAT? WHEN DID YOU PUT THAT ON? And oh my god you're so...."
Kiana fainted.
"Yep that's about what I expected" Veliona laughed.
"I'm not worried she'll wake up in a minute" Mei said.
"Yeah its funny, you've been dating for 8 years and she still can't withstand your.....uhmmm" Veliona was trying to find the right word.
"Haha I know what your trying to say don't stress yourself" Mei said.
"Thanks, also I can kinda understand why she still faints like that around you cause uhm compared to back then, nowadays your probably the most....powerful woman I've seen" Veliona said.
"Why thank you" Mei said.
"And even though She is my girlfriend, well....Seele's girlfriend even after how much she has grown, and it's honestly shocking cause she looks nothing like how she did only 4 years ago....she is still second to you when it comes to powerful women" Veliona said.
"Oh my.....I'm flattered but uhmmm i don't know if you should say that when she is right behind you" Mei said.
Veliona froze up for a moment.
"Eh?" Veliona slowly turned around to see bronya staring her down.
"What was that you just said?" Bronya asked.
"N-nothing!" Veliona said.
"*sigh* Well you aren't wrong though...." Bronya said.
"Well your still one hell of a woman so don't doubt that" Mei said.
"Seriously though Mei, you should wear a thin jacket of that or something, you'll draw everyone's attention and i dont think Kiana would like that, also can you just have your horns out at any time now?" Bronya asked.
"Bronya I'm using my Herrscher transformation as my costume thats why my horns are out" Mei said.
"Oh right...it's been so long since I last saw it I forgot what it looked like" Bronya said.
"Haha yeah it's been a while since you have seen it but Kiana sees it all the time and well....it gets used for less....uhm" Mei couldn't figure out how to say what she wanted.
"Oh? Do you use it for what I think you use it for?" Veliona said as she poked at Mei.
"Ok I'll just say it.....it gets used in the bedroom all the time" Mei said.
"I Knew it! I always wondered why I see spikes of honkai at night Bronya a-"
Veliona teased Mei but got slapped in the back of the head.
"Thats enough out of you!" Bronya said.
"Oww...I have a question though Mei, what are you even supposed to be?"
Veliona asked.
"Uhmmm.....a Demon samurai I guess?" Mei said as she scratched the back of her head.
"Makes sense, by the way where is Fu Hua, is she going?" Bronya asked.
"Yeah she was taking to Durandal in her room, she should be out soon" Mei said.
"Durandal and Fu Hua....never did I think those two would end up together" Bronya said.
"Yeah it was really shocking, I guess that really makes Fu Hua part of Kiana's family huh?" Mei said.
"Yeah honestly I thought Kiana would leave Mei and end up with Hua after the whole Herrscher  of Sentience incident, those two were inseparable after that" Veliona said.
"They still are...." Mei rolled her eyes.
"Who is talking about me out here?" Fu Hua said.
The girls all turned to look at Fu Hua and Durandal and were shocked by their costume choice.
"Wow....uhmm Fu Hua you look amazing in that" Mei said.
"Thank you, Senti thought I couldn't pull it off cause well....my chest is almost flat, but Durandal here insisted I wear it" Fu Hua said.
"I'm pretty sure she just wanted to match with you" Mei said.
"No that is not at all true!" Durandal protested.
Kiana finally woke up after 10 minutes of being out like a light on the floor.
"Who is teasing my sister!" Kiana said and hopped back up on her feet.
"The Herrscher Of Thunder is" Mei said.
"Oh...I guess I can't argue then" Kiana said.
The white haired girl turned to look at Durandal and Her jaw just about dropped to the floor.
"My sister is dressing up as a d-d-d-demon...and Hua is a....a DEMON MAID?!?!" Kiana was shocked.
"Haha yeah is that a problem?" Durandal asked.
"No not at all! It makes me happy to see Hua finally embracing her body, she looks amazing" Kiana said.
"Thank you very much Kiana" Fu Hua said.
"Yeah it is good, I always tell her that she shouldn't be self conscious about it and that it doesn't matter what others think, they don't know what she's been through in the past 50,000 years she's been alive" Durandal said.
"I have aquestiom for you all" Kiana said.
"What is it?" Mei said.
"After we get back from Trick or treating can we go visit Miss Himeko's grave, I wanna leave her some flowers..." Kiana asked.
"Of course! You don't even need to ask that!"
"Alright now cheer up! We should get going, we always get sidetracked like this" Durandal said.
"Alright let's go" Mei said.

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