Kiana's First Snow

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A/N: This is a Fanfic for Kiana's birthday.

It was December 7th, 2024 and Today was a special day for the girls at St.Freya because it was....Kiana's 26th Birthday!
Why is the 26th birthday so special exactly? Well because any Birthday of Kiana's is special, Anyway her 26th birthday is actually special's the first time it's snowed since she was born!
It was pretty cold outside at -9°C.

Kiana had woken up and looked at the clock.
"OH MY GOD ITS 11 IN THE MORNING!" Kiana yelled.

The light poking through the curtains was unusually bright today though.
"Huh? Why is it so bright outside?" Kiana scratched the back of her head.

She got up and looked out of the window and saw everything covered in several feet of fluffy blinding white powder.
"Aghhh! What is that!?!" Kiana put her shirt on and ran downstairs.

"Mei! What is that! Why is every outside white?"
Kiana tugged on Mei's arm.

"Oh your awake!" Mei said.

"I am, but I woke up super late, we are gonna be late for work at the school" Kiana said.
The white haired woman ran over to the big window in the dorms and opened the blinds to look outside.

"Mei seriously what is that!?! Why is everything white?" Kiana asked once again and pointed out the window.

Mei tilted her head and look at Kiana curiously.
"Kiana have you never seen snow?"

"Snow? What's that?" Kiana asked.

"Oh, you've really never seen snow...." Mei said.
Uhmm how do I explain to her what snow is, besides the fact that it's cold?

"No i haven't seen snow, I don't even know what it is, and why is it kinda cold in here?" Kiana asked.

"Well I guess this is your first snow then...and it feels so cold in here because it's only -9°C outside, wait....did you just say only Kinda cold!?!? It's freezing in here!" Mei said.
The purple haired Girl was almost shivering.
Wait a wonder she doesn't feel that cold! She's practically a walking Hester herself!

"Yeah, it really doesn't feel that cold, are you shivering?"
Kiana walked over to Mei and embraced her to warm her up.

"No wonder you don't feel that cold! You literally like a walking heater" Mei said.

"Hahaha I guess I kinda am" Kiana said.

"Also Kiana I think your forgetting something" Mei whispered in to Kiana's ear.
Did this girl really forget about her own birthday?

"Huh? I'm forgetting something what do you mean?" Kiana pondered what she could possibly be forgetting, but couldn't quite figure our what it was.

"It's your birthday today" Mei said and lifted Kiana up into the air.

Oh shit I completely forgot about my own birthday
"Its my birthday? Oh right it is! I can't believe I forgot my own birthday" Kiana said.

"Yes it is! It's a very important day to me! It one of the most important things for me to remember!" Mei exclaimed.

"Well I can understand why it's important to you, also what are you doing?"
Kiana looked down at Mei.

"Huh? What do you mean what am I doing?" Mei looked at Kiana.

"I mean why are you holding me up in the air like a child?" Kiana asked.

"I'm not allowed to hold you anymore?" Mei asked.

"Of course you are! Your allowed to do whatever you want with me" Kiana said.

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