New NOT Brave World

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Recording on radio receivers captured in the early days of Great Dawnfall captured by a sensor station by the Tenebris subsidiary in Texas on UN radio frequency.

Let us praise the Benefactor! To all citizens of the world. The world of us today is a completely new era! And now I am proud to announce that the United Nations has now delivered on its promise to bring total peace to the world, while at the same time bringing all nations together! Our mission to end hunger and disease has been successfully accomplished! Unfortunately... There are still those in the world who have decided to stand up against our Benefactor! Someone is still opposing us! Someone still wants to stop the progress of our hard work. Those troublemakers! These terrorists want to cheat our hard work! That is why I am addressing you, citizens of the whole world! Come out and join us! When our brave soldiers in blue helmets come to you, meet them! Throw your weapons at their feet and give honor to our Benefactor! Stand with us! Help us to finally restore paradise of Babylon and his glorious face again! Join us! We are your only way. I swear to you, I the UN Secretary General, [Deleted], I swear to you by the Benefactor ... I will not rest until HIS assignment is complete.

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