Old farmer and his family.

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A farmer's will found in the jacket of one of the survivors killed by the Cleaners, about 32 days after Great Dawnfall.

These are the last words of old Joseph [Deleted]. I am writing this last will just locked in the utility room of a small fallout shelter owned by the [Deleted] family. I don't have much time left. My dear Melanie and the kids were infected by the Disease and turned, like most of the population, into these mindless creatures subordinated to the will of this "Benefactor". I was infected by my family myself, but I will not end up like them. When I finish writing my will, I'm gonna grab my shotgun, put it in my mouth and pull the trigger, blowing my brains out. Apparently then I will not rise from the dead, I will not serve this son of Satan. First, in this last will, I am asking you, the person reading this, to fulfill the request of a future suicide. Please, end my family's suffering. Unfortunately, I don't have the courage to use more bullets to shorten their torment... But I can't... I FUCKING CAN'T!!! I can't look them in the face and pull the trigger. It doesn't matter that it's not them anymore. So what that now there is only death and darkness in their eyes, a mixture of blood and black goo drips from their mouths, so what if they are covered with veins poking out of their mouths. So what if they still have their features. Those features that I loved. My dear Melanie, my firstborn son Alex and my little Olivia. I just can't. I am a coward, but the last remnants of my courage I will get by blowing up my brain, which will splash on the wall of the utility room. Here is my inheritance for you, reader. All of the family's [Deleted] property that is in the bunker. The only condition is that you kill my family. Please give them eternal rest. Please, end their suffering. Liberate their souls. Here are my last words. Perhaps God have mercy on us after the garbage.

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