New York Fall Down

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Transcript of a radio conversation of 12th Regiment of Marine Corps, New York, 5th day after the start of Great Dawnfall, three hours before the rockets were launched

*the sound of gunfire combined with non-human screams.*

Sgt.Gonzales: Continue shooting boys! We should receive more orders from command in a moment! Take courage!

Pvt.Wilson: Mr. Sergeant! They're coming from the Hudson River! About a hundred if not more!

Sgt.Gonzales: Fuck, how many more are to come ?! Holy shit, Cooper and Johnson cover our backs!

Cpl.Cooper: Sir, yes sir! Come on Michael! We'll shoot some pale faces off!

Pvt.Johnson: Fuck it! Fuck you! It's over, I'm getting the fuck out of here and I advise you to do the same! It was nice serving with you, but it's suicide! Write if you survive!

Sgt.Gonzales: Johnson! Private Johnson! Come back here! That's an order!

Pvt.Johnson: Screw you! I never wrote to that kind of shit! Bye!

Sgt.Gonzales: Johnson! Johnson!!! This last one... Ohh fuck it!

*the sound of a gun shoot and a body falling.*

Sgt.Johnson: Rest in peace. You fucking coward!

Cpl.Cooper: Mr. Sergeant! They are coming! There are more and more of them! How much lead are we gonna spit out before those fat dudes behind the desk remember us!?

Sgt.Gonzales: As long as necessary! But take it easy! The deadline is in three minutes! If they don't respond by then, it means that we are on our own!

Pvt.Wilson: So there's not much chance that we'll come back alive?

Sgt.Gonzales: I'm sorry Private. Jessica may already be looking for a new boyfriend. One way or another, they would doubt they would give us the order to retreat. This shit hit the ground. There is no great chance that we will return to our families, lovers, friends... But if the orders don't come in three minutes. You can...

*signal interference and shots on the radio*

???/Radio: Delta Team... Delta Team come in! This is Colonel Sherman! 10th Regiment of the National Guard! Can you hear me?!

Sgt.Gonzales: Loud and clear, Colonel! This is Sergeant Charles Gonzales, 12th Regiment of the Marine Corps. We're pinned down on Bruklin! We urgently need...

Col.Sherman: I'm sorry, Sergeant, but we ourselves hoped that at least you two stayed.

Sgt.Gonzales: What the fuck is that, Colonel?!

Col.Sherman: Guess sergeant! Ehh, our helicopter is in ruins at the Garden. Nobody stayed in New York. We're the last living in this goddamn city. It is New York City that has fallen. This is the end... SHIT!

*a shrill, damned scream*

*gun shot*

Col.Sherman: Carcass... Sorry, Sergeant! Everyone cares about their butt... Come on, you bastards of the devil!

*signal cutoff and radio noise*

Sgt.Gonzales: Colonel Sharman! Colonel, come in... Damn it!

*machine fire*

Pvt.Willson: Sergeant, they're coming! And there are more and more of them! We can't hold on!

Cpl.Cooper: Close the serial snout and shoot! And if you try what Johnson did, I swear you...

Sgt.Gonzales: No, corporal... Enough of this... That's true... We're not gonna hold on anymore... We're maybe the last in this damn thing. This city is finished... But you can still escape! Get away! I'll give you these few seconds to escape!

Cpl.Cooper: What?!

Sgt.Gonzales: What you heard, Corporal! Get the fuck out of here!

Pvt.Willson: With all due respect, Sergeant... I don't care if I'm staying with you!

Cpl.Cooper: Right! If you think Mike will leave you here, you must have lost your mind! We stay and keep fighting! Are you too little girls?! Huuurrraaaa!

Marines: Huuurrrraaaa!!!

Sgt.Gonzales: Idiots... But since that is your will... Come on, gentlemen! we will show that the 12th division is no joke! Kick them boys!

*heavy rifle fire and terrifying screams*

Sgt.Gonzales: Watch out for the flank, the boys are trying to us... Willson! Behin...

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