Halloween Pt 2/ Others

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(I couldn't find the original Link to the video. It only sent me to the "short" video. So here's an alternative that I somehow found coincidentally when looking for the original)


Hello. Happy (Early/Late) Halloween Readers

Here's a little Preview of stuff that I've written, and or have plans for the future

Some of these are "Kinda" inspired by Halloween. Some just so happen to fit the "Spooky" theme of it. So I thought I can let it slide

Plus, I have decided to show some other little Scenes that I have written in the side. All of these are 100% original. But they are from other series. So not all entirely mine. I'll list off which is which

Also note that some of these are Requested Scenes that other people have asked me to write for them. As in they give me a starting point. And I just write them with whatever comes to mind

(Mostly other Streamers who write, and or voice actors have asked me for this. So not really that big. But I'm still happy to write for them)

(P.S Don't expect stories of these series. I either don't know much about them, or don't see myself writing them)

It's gonna start with some other series related stuff. And then it'll go to the Splatoon Related Stuff

If you just want the Splatoon Stuff, then scroll down until you see

"Splatoon Stuff"

Hope you enjoy

Different Series

Zombie Side Story

AN: I honestly have no clue how and why I wrote this one. I was asked to write a "Zombie Crush" kind of scene. And I couldn't really think of one. And then I remembered that I watched a movie related to this scenario. "Warm Bodies". And I had also read a Webtoon called "Boyfriend of the Dead". Which helped give me an idea with writing this scene. Which you should go read. Creator is "Ushio" on Webtoon)

Context: Usual Zombie Story. Zombie outbreak happens. World goes to shit. Everyone is just trying to survive. But one particular Person who happened to be a "Zombie". Still contains part of his Humanity left over. Think of it his body physically is a Zombie, but his mind is still human. So he contains some self control when it comes to encountering other humans. Then he meets a Girl. You can probably imagine how that'll go

The Zombie Guy is just casually walking through the area and monologing

Guy: "I don't remember much about what happened before the outbreak. Or what event caused all of this. All I know is that the world has gone into chaos after the outbreak"

He continues to walk and think about it. Passing by Zombies who are currently killing one of the survivors

Survivor: HELP ME ! AAARGH !

He just continues walking by

Guy: "It's a shame that I'm still conscious. Just in the body of a Zombie. Not really sure if I should be thankful that I technically have another chance at life. Or I should try to give the world a better chance of survival by removing myself from the equation"

He continues to make his way through the abandoned city. As he does he can hear some noise from a distance. As well as what he pressures to be gun shots

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