Chapter 32: Done?

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Nash's POV:

"What is wrong?" I ask Leah for the hundredth time in the last hour and a half.

"Nothing is wrong, why can't you just leave it alone?" She sighs. I know she's getting frustrated but thats the only way she'll tell me. When she explodes.

"Because your lieing to me. Again " I add. Her head snaps my way.

"If your going to hold that against me for God knows how long, then..." She stops her words. But im already pissed.

"Then what? You'll leave me?" No answer. "If you don't start telling me what the fucks wrong with you. Im done Leah." I rub one hand over my mouth while the other one rest on the stirring wheel. I sure as hell don't mean a word.

"Done?" She questions, taken back by my sudden words.

"Done trying to get through to you. All i am is there for you, but you push me away. Even after you told me you wouldn't anymore." I don't look at her.

"You don't think I try? You don't know what i go through. Fighting myself constantly to keep my feelings to myself, so they don't stress you out."

Stress me out? Damn it Leah.

"Stop fighting. Tell me. You stress me out by not telling me. You make me feel like you don't trust me" I run my hand through my hair.

She turns her body towards me."I do trust you. Don't you dare pull that card. Your the only one I fully trusted in years." Silence stretches between us as the GPS speaks, telling us we made it to Leah's mom's house.

"Then tell me what you feel damn it. Im tierd of trying to get you to open up and get shot down every fucking time. I get the shit end of the stick here, not you." I turn the car off, fuming.

She sighs and gets out the truck, slamming the door. Shit.

As she makes it to the front door, i jump out the truck and follow her.

"Leah." My voice is calm, trying not to go off on her. I love her but God damn.

She just walks in the house, ignoring me. "Aaleah." I call again. My voice is on edge. Still no answer.

"God damn it Leah, fucking answer me!" I grab her arm and spin her around to face me.

"Why do you want me to brake so bad Nash? So you can see how weak i really am?" She pushes against my chest. She rubs her hands over her face then through her hair.

I scoff " Even though it feels like I've know you my whole life, I know nothing about you."

I go to walk away but her words stop me. "Nothing about me? Please" she laughs, turning the other way. "You know everything about me."

"I thought i did. But it was all a fucking Lie leah!" I slam my fist on the kitchen counter.

"The only thing i ever lied to you about was my mom. I thought we we're over that." She says through clenched teeth.

"That I know about, what else are you lieing about? Is your dad alive too?" The second the words come out my mouth i regret them. Her face drops.

She turns her back on me and walks towards what im guessing is her room.

"Leah, fuck. No im sorry" I walk towards her but she slams the door.

"Fuck" i breath pulling on the ends of my hair.

I just got her back. I can't lose her again.


I sit on the couch in silence. She hasn't came out the room in the last two hours. I don't know what's going on. I shouldn't of said what i said but damn, im tired of being nice to her when all she does is block me out. Every time i get close to knocking down her wall, she builds it back up. My first reaction is to give up, but no matter how hard i try i can't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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