Chapter 7: Lies

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Its almost two in the morning and Me and Nash, aren't even on our side of campus yet.

After the touchy talk about our  parents, well his parents I didn't say much. Anyways , we walked around campus. Through the huge grassy area with trees and picnic tables,  the store's around campus, The waterfall clear on the other side of campus, the lacrosse field and now at the softball field.

"Okay, whoever gets back to the base they are at ,first wins. " I stand on second as hes at home plate

"I don't get it!" he yells

ughh" Your gonna run  towards first, all the way around till you get back to home. and im gonna run towards third till I get back to second. whoever gets back to there base first, wins!." I explain and use my hands to motion towards the bases.

"Okay, looser buys winner a milkshake!?" He smiles . even from across the field I can see his bright smile.

"Deal. I like strawberry" I smile big.

"don't get your hopes up honey face" He laughs

"Is that even a word?" I chuckle.

"Stop Staling" He waves me off.

"Fine.....READYSETGO!" I say quickly and he gets caught off guard and im passing third as he gets to first.

"CHEATER!" He yells

"I win!" I act as I flip my hair off my shoulders but its in a ponytail.When I turn back around he is running at me. I turn to take off but his strong arms wrap around my waist.

"!" I say between my laughter. "please!"

"Say Nash is the best roomate in eternity" he throws me over his shoulder.

"I was brought up never to lie" He drops me for a second, I let out a small shreak , he laughs . hard.. the ends of my ponytail hit the Orange clay.

"Okay, Nash is the best Roomate in eternity!"

He pulls me up slowly droping me. My hands slide down his chest and I look up at him as he looks down at me.

my annoying conscience yelling at me "Don't! What about drew ?"

I shut it off.

His grip tightens around me and he leans in as do I . Just as I close my eyes a voice interrupts...

"HEY! YOU KIDS GET  OUT OF HERE, NOW! "We snap are heads to see who it is and its to dark to tell. We just take off.


"That was so crazy dude" I say and fist bump Nash then plop down on my bed to regain my breath.

"Totally" he copies my actions.

The events of only minutes ago flow into my head as my adrenalin rush wears down.

Was I really going to kiss him? Would I of let him kiss me? Would I feel guilty about it? No, I mean I would feel guilty about it but it didn't happen .And nothing was gonna happen. I was just ...well I dont know but I wasn't going to kiss him. I love Drew....

I gasp. Drew. I pull my phone out my pocket and and push the power button but the screen stays black. Great, it died. I grab my charger from behind my headboard and plug it into my phone.

It turns on and I unlock it. I have twelve missed calls and four texts.

Nine missed calls from Drew. I sigh

Two missed calls from Jenn.

One missed call from Jasmine

I hit the home button and go to

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