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"What do you think about forget-me-nots?" Ink asks as he stops walking only to crouch down in front of the said flowers. Blue tilts his head a little, he was confused about the question, well... not the question but the fact that Ink, the emotionless asshole, asked Blue about his opinion about the small flowers.

"Well, uh..." Blue trailed off, he was unsure whether Ink is doing this as a distraction before he asks something serious or does something... not nice. Blue wouldn't be surprised. "I like them." Blue finally responds after a moment of silence. The small flowers were colored in various colours, one of which was blue. It would be quite weird for Blue to not like them, wouldn't it?

"I see..." Ink mutters as he reaches for the flowers, but stops halfway. Ink stands up and looks up at the sky, the sun was going down which didn't mean anything good. Their free time was nearly ending. Blue glances at the sky before he stares at Ink.

"Is there..." Blue starts, causing Ink to look at him. "Is there anything else you want to ask?" Blue regretted asking Ink this, what if he takes it the wrong way?

"Yeah." Blue jumped a bit at the response, but then he slightly giggled as he touched his cervical vertebra. Ink rolled his eyelights at Blues behavior. "Whats your opinion on love?" Ink asks as he observes Blues next movements.

"Uh..." Blue didn't expect Ink to ask this question. Sure, Ink can't feel shit and Blue feels pity for him because of that, but Ink asking Blue about love? It's quite dumb since Blue doesn't focus on that, nor did he experience it. Well, he did experience it but it didn't end well. It's something he doesn't want to remember. "It's beautiful, sure.." Blue starts out as he sighs. "But it can be painful..." Blue mutters as he puts a hand up to his chest.

"Uh-huh..." Ink nodded as he looked at Blue, expecting him to continue talking. Blue really didn't want to talk about this stupid feeling, but he didn't want to make Ink hold a grudge against him. Ink is... childish to say the least, any grudge will last for a long time. Blue doesn't want that since they need to work together against The Empire of The Moon, more specifically, Nightmare.

"Well..." Blue drags out the last letter as he frantically tries to think of something to say. "It's pretty, so pretty that it could turn ugly." Blue knew that he didn't make sense, maybe that's what he wanted, but Blue didn't know how to explain 'love' better.

"Is that all?"


Blue needed to get back to the castle, Dream surely would notice it if he wouldn't show up for the meeting since it will be just the two of them. It's definitely important.

Blue can't afford to miss it.

Cross rolled his pupils as he glanced at Fell, that idiot just couldn't get any dumber could he?

"There's no way I'm doing that." Cross says as he glares at Killer, who was laughing. It isn't exactly fun having to do a stupid dare, especially since Cross didn't even want to play these dumb games. Are these people the same people from the Empire of The Moon? It doesn't appear as such.

"Don't be a chicken!" Fell responded as he laughs, the dare itself was quite immature. When Cross joined the Empire of The Moon he didn't think people in here would be so childish... Cross should've known after he meet Killer, these people would be anything but mature. "Oh come on!" Fell shouted as he playfully hit Crosses shoulder. Cross wasn't amused, in fact, he was annoyed.

"I dare you to talk to a stranger from the Empire of The Sun."

Cross doesn't like silly, probably not funny dares as this one. Why would he even want to talk to someone he doesnt know? It would be better to run around naked than talk to someone from the Empire of The Sun.

"No thank you." Cross stands up and turns to leave, this wasn't his cup of tea. Cross wasn't up for any social interactions, especially with strangers. He wasn't scared or embarrassed. Cross just... had a distaste in talking to strangers. After all it could have been anyone. Ink or maybe Outer! Cross doesn't even want to think of the stranger being Dream. That annoying, piece of shit isn't someone Cross would enjoy speaking to. Speaking with Blue... It's definitely not something Cross looks forward to.

"Ugh, you can go and do something embarrassing yet you can't talk to a stranger." Dust complains as he crosses his arms, Cross doesn't even want to turn in Dusts direction. It's not smart to argue with an idiot. "What a coward." Dust glares at the leaving figure before looking over at Horror.

Cross didn't hear Dusts remark, or perhaps he ignored it. Cross left the room and planned to spend the rest of the night in his room, far away from those idiots.

Cross looks at his tidy room, it's important to be clean even if you're on the 'bad', if you can even call it that, side. When Cross saw Fells room he died inside, how can someone not care about their room? Although, he shouldn't have been that surprised. Fell has a lot of problems, these problems may have been the reason for his room to be untidy. Either way, it's not Cross' business.

Cross looked out the window, the sunset was beautiful. But everything is beautiful in its own way, the only exception is Nightmare and Killer. Atleast they have one thing in common.

As the day ended with the sun going down, while the moon appeared on the sky, Cross smiled. Sunsets were pretty, although sunrises are just as pretty, Cross likes to watch the day end. It's nice to sit down and smile as the day ends along with your worries, but also terrifying as your achievements become remembered as something you did yesterday.

It's nice, beautiful even.

But those moments are the most peaceful, especially when you're around dangerous idiots.

Cross savors the moments of peace and beauty as if he wasn't able to do it again. Because who knows if he would still be alive tomorrow.


I just love Crue so much.

Forget-me-nots (EV!Cross X EV!Blue)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora