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I love the new cover, my artstyle is really changing lol

Cross stares at the dagger Blue used to stab Cross in the shoulder. It wasn't anything impressive, just an ordinary weapon.

However, one thing caught his attention.

A blue string was neatly wrapped around the hilf of the dagger into a bow. The string reminded him of Error, the colour was similar if not the same.

Cross' eyelights narrowed as he continued to stare at the dagger, why did Blue even have a string on it? It's definitely not the smartest decision. Cross tilted the dagger to see if there's anything else worth noting.

Unfortunately, the only thing out of place was the string.

Cross' finger touched the string. From observing it, Cross is able to see that the string is thin. Cross believed the string could have been one of Errors, but how would Blue obtain it? Blue doesn't seem like the person to collect stuff from his opponents, besides Blue almost never won against Error.

How Blue is still alive always confuses Cross.

Cross already took care of his wound, so there isn't a need to rush with the observation. Though, Cross definitely wants to rest for atleast a few minutes.

With a sigh, Cross puts the dagger onto the nightstand. His room was tidy, he cleaned it up an hour ago after he bandaged his injury which was quite hard, but he still managed to do it.

"Is that Errors string?" Chara says as he moves closer to the nightstand, not looking away from Blues dagger which was still stained with bone marrow. Cross should be nice and clean it, but then again... Blue stabbed him so Cross doesn't necessarily want to be nice and kind to an enemy.


Cross doesn't want to make assumptions, but it's hard not to think Blue has some kind of relationship with Error.

Cross needs to ask Error about this.

"Cross! Nightmare apparently needs ya or something." Killer yells as he continues to loudly knock on the door. Ugh, can Killer stop being annoying for even a second?

Cross doesn't say anything, he opens the door and passes Killer. He doesn't need to talk to this snitch, all he needs to do is go to Nightmare. That's all, so why should he even waste time by saying something to Killer?

Yeah, exactly.

However, Cross noticed something as he looked at Killer. Since when did Killer have a scar near his eye? Maybe Nightmare did something to him.

"Fuck, did that snitch seriously say something?" Chara said as they took a few breaths, trying to calm down. Cross does understand Charas panic, considering what happened yesterday. Ugh, Cross wishes he didn't go to that stupid forest.

"It will be fine."

"What if it won't be? I'm not ready to die!"

Typical Chara behavior.

When Cross arrives, he hesitates before going in the throne room. Upon seeing Nightmare, Cross looked at the ground. He didn't feel like being the reason this ticking bomb exploded.

"Good afternoon your Imperal Majesty." Cross blankly said as he bowed in front of Nightmare. Cross glanced at Chara, who nervously looked at Nightmare.

"Did I tell you to speak?" Nightmare asks as he walks up to Cross. Shit, didn't Nightmare say that it was necessary to greet him? Did Cross miss something yesterday? "Remember the rules, otherwise you're dead." Nightmare threatens Cross, who didn't think much about that.

Forget-me-nots (EV!Cross X EV!Blue)Where stories live. Discover now