2 | Just |

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The warm summer breeze filled the air, the sweet watermelon scent lingered in the streets and the sun passed its time alone in the sky, without clouds, just blue.
Kids played in the streets, teens stayed home with a fan on the highest setting and adults still went to work, sweaty and tired.
And I was standing awkwardly in a crusty comic book store, with my greasy-haired best friend, mindlessly answering his pointless questions about topics I knew nothing about.

Gerard has been my best friend since I first moved here, 3 years ago.
I also made a friend at school, she's Venus, goes to my school, is my age blah blah blah
oh we sometimes play together at my house, she plays the drums.
The first time I saw her I was fascinated by her outgoing and fun personality, usually surrounded by people, always talking but still somehow went out of her way to talk to me.
I wouldn't say that she's my polar opposite but...almost?
We mostly had the same classes at school so we saw each other often and started talking, she's one of the nicest people I know, one of the most caring people I know.

"I'll get these." A familiar voice woke me up.
Gerard got up from his crouching position, looked at me, showing me his comics and slowly moved to the cashier.
I followed lazily and looked at him, he was getting two volumes from series I didn't know, then his eyes gazed at me and he smiled, I mirrored his action and smiled back.
"I'll get you an ice cream or something , I'm sorry you got bored." He giggled and payed for his stuff.
"Oh you don't have to, I mean I had so much fun...I had the time of my life" we walked out of the store and I joked in a sarcastic tone, emphasizing the last part and making him chuckle.

As we were walking, the air was slowly becoming cooler and the sun was moving to the west.
I would occasionally glance at him and notice his features, how his straight nose was outlined by the rim lighting the sun was casting, his eyes glittering and reflecting the the colors of the sky, how his hair swiftly bounced with every step he took and how his lips held a slight smile.

"Let's go here." I pointed to a random corner store. " I wanna get soda, monster if they have it.".
The afternoon went on and we spent it walking around the neighborhood, joking and spending time together.

"I swear if my brother ate my damn ice cream I'm gonna rip his hair with my bare hands and make him go bald". I groaned and Gerard laughed loudly.
I walked towards the front door, turned around and looked at Gerard, who now held a cute smile, left from his laughing.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" My question sounded more like an affirmation, but I waited for his answer anyway.
"Uhm I'm not sure, I'll see if I can come around in the afternoon." I nodded and waved "bye gee."
"Bye y/n." He walked off and I waited for him to be out of my field of view before entering my house.

While I was walking to my room I thought about what I should do. I mean it's 5 pm, I could draw something, take a shower...
Or fawn over Robert smith.
I decided against the last option and went to draw something, I put on a cd, took out my sketchbook, my supplies, sat on the bed and started sketching.

Minutes passed and I heard the front door open, I snapped out of my trance and stopped the cd, walked down the stairs and greeted my mom.
My dad was already somewhere in the house.
As time went on, me and him started talking less and less, the occasional pointless chat during meals would be the only interaction we'd have.
He didn't have the need to talk to me and I didn't have the need to talk to him. Our relationship became like that and we just accepted it.

We had dinner soon after and I went back to my room.
Quickly picked up the sketch from where I left it and pressed start on my CD player, whatever song was playing, must've been something real groovy as I was having the time of my life dancing in my room. Not that it was something new, but this time it felt much more comforting, much more personal, that, was definitely new.

"Noo!" I heard a familiar voice wake me up from the room across mine.
I groaned, got up and walked towards the room, finding my twin brother playing a game on his console.
"What." He asked as I stood in the doorway, still processing the fact that I woke up and walked there.
"What." I repeated.
"Whatever." He ended the conversation and I went back to my room.

Usually I don't have breakfast in the summer, since it's so hot I don't feel like eating anything.
The day went on without anything interesting going on.

"It's 4 pm, maybe Gerard will come around... I don't know if he'll call tho." I mumbled under my breath.
The blanket felt soft and welcoming under my weight but I refused to let it get me to sleep.
I picked up my make up and checked my outfit in the mirror. I put on some eyeliner, some mascara and gloss.
Am I putting on make up for myself?
Do I want to look pretty for myself?
There's no need to look particularly nice, it's just Gerard that's coming around, he's seen me in my worst.

983 words

hi guys 😈
hope you liked this, maybe ita a bit short, The story will def be more interesting from the next chapter
Here's a pic

ANhi guys 😈hope you liked this, maybe ita a bit short, The story will def be more interesting from the next chapterHere's a pic

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